How to make a user sign out in Firebase?


Solution 1

Use this code FirebaseAuth.getInstance().signOut();

Solution 2

You can simply call this


If you want to perform some action after sign out then use this one.

public void onClick(View v) {
    if (v.getId() == {
            .addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {
                public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task) {
                    // user is now signed out
                    startActivity(new Intent(MyActivity.this, SignInActivity.class));

Solution 3

This can be solved by using AuthStateListener

//Declaration and defination
private FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth;
FirebaseAuth.AuthStateListener authStateListener = new FirebaseAuth.AuthStateListener() {
    public void onAuthStateChanged(@NonNull FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth) {
        if (firebaseAuth.getCurrentUser() == null){
            //Do anything here which needs to be done after signout is complete
        else {

//Init and attach
firebaseAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance();

//Call signOut()

Snippet :

Solution 4

Firebase auth is provide signout method.


Solution 5

Try This

FirebaseAuth fAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance();
Suzan Cruz
Author by

Suzan Cruz

Updated on January 29, 2021


  • Suzan Cruz
    Suzan Cruz over 3 years

    I am making a simple authentication app in Android using Firebase authentication. Till now I am successful in signing the user in, however the issue is that the user remains signed in, and I can't find a way to sign him out.

    Here is my code

    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        private FirebaseAuth mAuth;
        private FirebaseAuth.AuthStateListener mAuthListener;
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            //tracking the sign in and singn out operations
            mAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance();
            mAuthListener = new FirebaseAuth.AuthStateListener(){
                public void onAuthStateChanged(@NonNull FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth) {
                    FirebaseUser user = firebaseAuth.getCurrentUser();
                    if (user!=null){
                        System.out.println("User logged in");
                        System.out.println("User not logged in");
        public void onStart(){
        public void onStop(){
            if (mAuthListener != null) {
        public void buttonClicked(View view){
            EditText editemail = (EditText) findViewById(;
            EditText editpass = (EditText) findViewById(;
            String email = editemail.getText().toString();
            String password = editpass.getText().toString();
            mAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
                    .addOnCompleteListener(this, new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {
                        public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<AuthResult> task) {
                         //   Log.d(TAG, "signInWithEmail:onComplete:" + task.isSuccessful());
                            Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Authentication Success.",
                            startActivity(new Intent(MainActivity.this,Success.class));
                            // If sign in fails, display a message to the user. If sign in succeeds
                            // the auth state listener will be notified and logic to handle the
                            // signed in user can be handled in the listener.
                            if (!task.isSuccessful()) {
                               // Log.w(TAG, "signInWithEmail", task.getException());
                                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Authentication failed.",
                            // ...
  • Suzan Cruz
    Suzan Cruz over 7 years
    Thanks, it worked, I put this code FirebaseAuth.getInstance().signOut();" in my onStop method. Hopefully thats the correct way td do so.
  • Suzan Cruz
    Suzan Cruz over 7 years
    Thanks, it worked, I put this code FirebaseAuth.getInstance().signOut();" in my onStop method. Hopefully thats the correct way td do so.
  • Ojonugwa Jude Ochalifu
    Ojonugwa Jude Ochalifu about 7 years
    unless you need fAuth for something else, FirebaseAuth.getInstance().signOut(); works just fine
  • Mr. Mad
    Mr. Mad almost 7 years
    # Khyati Fataniai don't think that you ever tried the above code mentioned in my reply. otherwise you will not say like this . i my self tried this one in my live app which is completely built on firebase .
  • Khyati Vara
    Khyati Vara almost 7 years
    I have tried your code, but it shows error on signOut method
  • Gastón Saillén
    Gastón Saillén over 5 years
    in order to add the .addOnCompleteListener for signOut you need to implement Firebase UI like the docs on github states "The entry point to the authentication flow is the com.firebase.ui.auth.AuthUI class." Latest versions here…
  • Saneth
    Saneth almost 4 years
    Make sure you add the following before onCreate method: private FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth; private FirebaseUser firebaseUser;