How to mimic an HTML form submission in a POST request?


A POST request consists of a number of headers and a request body. When you submit a form, the browser URL encodes names and values of all form fields and then puts them in the request body in this format:


I.e. the request body looks like a typical query string.

Here's what the request could look like for your form:

POST /bugreport.php HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: [size of the request body]


To make sure your program matches what a browser would do, you can post the form with Firefox and then inspect the request headers and body using Firebug's net panel.

Violet Giraffe
Author by

Violet Giraffe

I'm from Kharkiv, Ukraine. My city is being destroyed every day. Help us defend: PC enthusiast, C++ fan and C++ / Qt / Android software developer. Also <3 Arduino. Music and car addict. Reinventing various wheels in my spare time. A custom-made square wheel is like a tailored suit, wouldn't you agree? Why do I have more rep from questions than from answers? Because you don't learn by answering; you learn by asking questions :) Ongoing personal open-source projects: Dual-panel file manager for Windows / Linux / Mac

Updated on July 26, 2022


  • Violet Giraffe
    Violet Giraffe almost 2 years

    I have HTML form that is used for sending bugreports from application to server. I need to mimic this behavior programmatically. What will the corresponding POST request (or series of requests) look like?

    <form name="bugreport" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="">
        <div name="SentData">
            <textarea name="logfile" class="UserVisible"></textarea><br>
            <textarea name="configfile" class="UserVisible"></textarea><br>
        <textarea name="usercomment" class="invisible"></textarea><br>
        <input name="useremail" type="text" class="invisible">
        <input class="invisible" type="submit" value="Send">