How to open an .xlsb file in R?


Solution 1

Use the RODBC package:

wb <- "D:\\Data\\Masked Data.xlsb" # Give the file name
con2 <- odbcConnectExcel2007(wb)
data <- sqlFetch(con2, "Sheet1$") # Provide name of sheet

Solution 2

One way could be to use ODBC:

if (any(grepl("*.xlsb", odbcDataSources(), fixed = TRUE))) {
  download.file(url = "", 
                destfile = file.path(tempdir(), "test.xlsb"), 
                mode = "wb")
  conn <- odbcConnectExcel2007( file.path(tempdir(), "test.xlsb")) 
  df <- sqlFetch(conn, sub("'(.*)\\$'", "\\1", sqlTables(conn)$TABLE_NAME)[4]) # read 4th sheet in the table name list
  head(df, 10)
  #                                             F1          F2         F3       F4        F5 F6
  # 1                                         <NA>        <NA>       <NA>     <NA>      <NA> NA
  # 2                                         <NA>        <NA>       <NA>     <NA>      <NA> NA
  # 3                                         <NA>        <NA>       <NA>     <NA>      <NA> NA
  # 4                                         <NA>        <NA>       <NA>     <NA>      <NA> NA
  # 5  Baker Hughes Gulf of Mexico Oil / Gas Split        <NA>       <NA>     <NA>      <NA> NA
  # 6                                         <NA>        <NA>       <NA>     <NA>      <NA> NA
  # 7                                         <NA> US Offshore Total\nGoM Gas\nGoM Oil \nGoM NA
  # 8                                       1/7/00         127        123      116         7 NA
  # 9                                      1/14/00         125        121      116         5 NA
  # 10                                     1/21/00         125        121      116         5 NA

Solution 3

readxlsb package can read Excel binary (.xlsb) files into R. Here are some info taken from the package vignettes:

read_xlsb(path, sheet, range, col_names, col_types, na, trim_ws, skip, ...)


Either a name, or the index of the sheet to read. Index of the first sheet is 1. If the sheet name is embedded in the range argument, or implied if range is a named range, then this argument is ignored


range can be specified as

  • A named range. Named ranges are not case sensitive
  • In Sheet!A1 notation
  • In Sheet!R1C1 notation
  • As a cellranger::cell_limits object


  • TRUE: The first row is used for column names. Empty cells result in a column name of the form ‘column.i’
  • FALSE: Column names will be ‘column.i’
  • Character vector: vector containing column names.


Can be implied from the spreadsheet or specified in advanced. When specifying types, options are

  • “logical” (or “boolean”), “numeric” (or “double”), “integer”, “date” and “string” (or “character”)
  • Use “skip” (or “ignore”) to skip a column


A character string that is interpret as NA. This does not effect the implied data type for a column.


Should leading and trailing whitespaces be trimmed from character strings?


The number of rows to skip before reading data.


res = read_xlsb(path = system.file("extdata", "TestBook.xlsb", package = "readxlsb"), 
                range = "PORTFOLIO", 
                debug = TRUE)

#> [1] "content"      "named_ranges" "sheets"       "stream"

#>             name                     range sheet_idx first_column first_row
#> 1   INFO_RELEASE          FirstSheet!$A$11         0            1        11
#> 2        OUTLOOK 'My SecondTab'!$A$1:$C$13         1            1         1
#> 3      PORTFOLIO      FirstSheet!$A$3:$C$9         0            1         3
#> 4 SAVED_DATETIME          FirstSheet!$C$13         0            3        13
#> 5          TITLE           FirstSheet!$A$1         0            1         1
#>   last_column last_row
#> 1           1       11
#> 2           3       13
#> 3           3        9
#> 4           3       13
#> 5           1        1

Created on 2020-07-07 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Solution 4

If you get the following error in R trying to connect to .xlsb:

[RODBC] ERROR: state IM002, code 0, message [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

then, you are probably are missing to install the AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe from Microsoft. I had this problem today, and after installing this file I've got no more error messages.


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Updated on March 13, 2021


  • user2946746
    user2946746 over 3 years

    I'm trying to open an .xlsb file in R and keep getting similar errors.

    Any recommendations on how to solve this issue without having to download the data and save it in a different formate?

    read.xlsx(paste(OutputLocation,FileName, sep=""), sheetName = "Master Data")

    Error messages: Error in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invokeMethod", cl, : org.apache.poi.xssf.XLSBUnsupportedException: .XLSB Binary Workbooks are not supported

    rigDataWB<-loadWorkbook(paste(OutputLocation,FileName, sep=""))

    Error messages: Error: XLSBUnsupportedException (Java): .XLSB Binary Workbooks are not supported

    Please note:

    I cannot install Perl libraries.

    I'm running 64bit R.


    My data is from:

  • hubbs5
    hubbs5 over 7 years
    Just a quick note, if you're getting an error, update your Windows drivers here and the solution works.
  • tchakravarty
    tchakravarty almost 4 years
    This package is eye-wateringly slow for XLSB files of any meaningful size, and often does not complete successfully. Not that there is a real packaged alternative, but users should be mindful of this when they write code that depends on readxlsb.
  • Adnan Hajizada
    Adnan Hajizada almost 4 years
    This package doesn't work and freezes the R Studio.
  • Ruli
    Ruli over 3 years
    Could you add an explanation on how your code works?
  • user2957945
    user2957945 almost 3 years
    Hi. Is this answer obsolete now? There doesn't seem to be a odbcConnectExcel2007 in RODBC. Or is this Windows only?
  • user2957945
    user2957945 almost 3 years
    This is the only answer that worked for me on linux. Very slow for 100k records but got there.
  • Duffer
    Duffer over 2 years
    This package has very limited features, for instance I cant skip NA or Blank cells while reading.
  • Tung
    Tung over 2 years
    @Duffer: you can try Python packages (pyxlsb or pyxlsb2 via reticulate) to work around some of the limitations of the readxlsb package. I haven't tested them though.