How to pass a GlobalKey through Stateless Widget Children


I suggest using ChangeNotifier, ChangeNotifierProvider, Consumer and to manage state. You have to add this package and this import: import 'package:provider/provider.dart';. The steps:

  1. Set up a ChangeNotifier holding isExpanded value, with a setter that notifies listeners:
class MyNotifier with ChangeNotifier {
  bool _isExpanded = false;
  bool get isExpanded => _isExpanded;
  set isExpanded(bool isExpanded) {
    _isExpanded = isExpanded;
  1. Insert the above as a ChangeNotifierProvider in your widget tree at MenuBar:
class MenuBarState extends State<MenuBar> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ChangeNotifierProvider(
        create: (context) => MyNotifier(),
        child: MenuBarContainer(
          menuItems: widget.menuItems,

After this you can easily read and write the isExpanded value from anywhere in your widget tree under the ChangeNotifierProvider, for example:

  onPressed: () {
    setState(() {
      final myNotifier =<MyNotifier>();
      myNotifier.isExpanded = !myNotifier.isExpanded;
  child: Text('Push Me'),

And if you want to use this state to automatically build something when isExpanded is changed, use Consumer, which will be notified automatically upon every change, for example:

class MenuBarItemState extends State<MenuBarItem> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Consumer<MyNotifier>(builder: (context, myNotifier, child) {
      return Row(
        children: <Widget>[
          Text('Current Status:\t${myNotifier.isExpanded}'),

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I code it out Typing faster just to script it away =p I wonder if a slice of Raspberry Pi would help reduce energy use for uploads?

Updated on January 02, 2023


  • Xenoranger
    Xenoranger over 1 year

    I'm trying to create a custom menu bar in my app. Right now, the biggest issue I'm having is passing a state for when it's expanded to it's children after a setState occurs.

    I thought about inheritance, but from what I've tried all inheritance needs to be in-line. I can't create a widget where the children [] are fed into the constructor on an ad-hoc basis.

    My current approach is to use a GlobalKey to update the State of the children widgets being inserted into the StateFul while updating them directly.

    The children for my MenuBar are declared as:

      List<MenuBarItem> menuItems;

    MenuBarItem is an abstract interface class that I intend to use to limit the widgets that can be fed in as menuItems to my MenuBar.

    abstract class iMenuItem extends Widget{}
    class MenuBarItem extends StatefulWidget implements iMenuItem{

    At some iterations of this script, I had a bool isExpanded as part of the iMenuItem, but determined it not necessary.

    Here is my code at its current iteration:

    My Main:

    void main() {
    //  runApp(MainApp());
    class MenuBarApp extends StatelessWidget{
      Widget build(BuildContext context){
        return MaterialApp(
          home: Scaffold(
            body: MenuBar(
              menuItems: [
                // This one does NOT work and is where I'm trying to get the 
                // value to update after a setState
                  myText: 'Outsider',

    My Code:

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    /// Primary widget to be used in the main()
    class MenuBar extends StatefulWidget{
      List<MenuBarItem> menuItems;
        required this.menuItems,
      State<MenuBar> createState() => MenuBarState();
    class MenuBarState extends State<MenuBar>{
      bool isExpanded = false;
      late GlobalKey<MenuBarContainerState> menuBarContainerStateKey;
      void initState() {
        menuBarContainerStateKey = GlobalKey();
      Widget build(BuildContext context){
          return MenuBarContainer(
              menuItems: widget.menuItems,
    class MenuBarContainer extends StatefulWidget{
      List<MenuBarItem> menuItems;
      late Key key;
        required this.menuItems,
      }):super(key: key);
      MenuBarContainerState createState() => MenuBarContainerState();
    class MenuBarContainerState extends State<MenuBarContainer>{
      bool isExpanded =  false;
      void initState() {
        isExpanded = false;
      Widget build(BuildContext context){
        List<Widget> myChildren = [
            onPressed: (){
                this.isExpanded = !this.isExpanded;
            child: Text('Push Me'),
          // This one works. No surprise since it's in-line
          MenuBarItem(isExpanded: this.isExpanded, myText: 'Built In'),
        return Container(
          child: Column(
            children: myChildren,
    /// The item that will appear as a child of MenuBar
    /// Uses the iMenuItem to limit the children to those sharing
    /// the iMenuItem abstract/interface
    class MenuBarItem extends StatefulWidget implements iMenuItem{
      bool isExpanded;
      String myText;
        this.isExpanded = false,
        required this.myText,
      }):super(key: key);
      State<MenuBarItem> createState() => MenuBarItemState();
    class MenuBarItemState extends State<MenuBarItem>{
      Widget build(BuildContext context){
        GlobalKey<MenuBarState> _menuBarState;
        return Row(
          children: <Widget> [
            Text('Current Status:\t${widget.isExpanded}'),
            Text('MenuBarState GlobalKey:\t${GlobalKey<MenuBarState>().currentState?.isExpanded ?? false}'),
    /// To give a shared class to any children that might be used by MenuBar
    abstract class iMenuItem extends Widget{

    I've spent 3 days on this, so any help would be appreciated.
