How to pass arguments by reference to robot framework keywords?


Solution 1

If ${x} is a mutable type such as a list or dictionary, you can pass the object itself. If it represents a scalar value such as a string or int, you can't do what you want. Your only choice is to return the new value and re-assign it to the original variable.

Solution 2

It will work if you initialize the variable as

My Keyword Name
    [Arguments]    ${arg}
    ${arg} =    Set Variable    56
    [Return]       ${arg}

    Log To Console  \n\nin Test
    ${x} =  Set Variable    0
    ${x} =    My Keyword Name    ${x}
    Log To Console  ${x}


Can you explore whether you can make use of Set Global Variable or Set Test Variable?

Solution 3

I'd spent some time before i got the solution!

* Variables
${someVar}    initial value

* Test Cases
[Check reference]
    Set this          \${someVar}    new value
    Should Be Equal    ${someVar}    new value

* Keywords
Set this
[Arguments]          ${varName}    ${value}
Set Test Variable    ${varName}    ${value}

The point is in the magic "\" char :)

Solution 4

It actually comes down to mutable/immutable variables in python, and how they are passed to functions.

Details here in this answer, but in RF context it boils down to - you can change lists and dictionaries, and not strings and numbers (int, float). Example:

A testcase
    Log To Console      \n
    ${var}=     Create List   member1
    Log To Console      ${var}

    Mutate The List     ${var}
    Log To Console      ${var}

*** Keywords ***
Mutate The List
    [Arguments]     ${lst}
    Append To List      ${lst}    new one

The output when ran would be:

A testcase                                                            

['member1', 'new one']
| PASS |

, e.g. the variable defined in the case got changed by a keyword. The same can be done with dictionaries.

If you reassign the variable in the function though, it will not change; e.g. with a keyword like this:

Mutate The Dict
    [Arguments]     ${lst}
    ${lst}=     Create List    fsf
    Append To List      ${lst}    bogus

, the original variable ${var} will not be changed.
Why so? In short, in python variables are just identifiers ("names") to memory addresses; when you assign ${lst} to a new list, the variable now points to a new address in the memory, and further interactions don't change the original one.


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Zeinab Abbasimazar
Author by

Zeinab Abbasimazar

Looking to attain a challenging and responsible position as a software engineer and software analyst in telecommunication and software industry which effectively utilizes my personal, professional and educational skills and experiences. I’m also looking forward to learn and experience more on big data concepts/solutions.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Zeinab Abbasimazar
    Zeinab Abbasimazar about 2 years

    I have a keyword in robot framework; it takes an argument, performs some process on it and returns it after all:

    My Keyword Name
        [Arguments]    ${arg}
        # Some process on ${arg}
        [Return]       ${arg}

    So it would be the usage:

    ${x} =    My Keyword Name    ${x}

    Which implies that I gave the old value of ${x} to the keyword and it returned me the new value of it.

    I want to make a call by reference on My Keyword Name, so I don't need to use an assignment for setting new value for ${x}. I have read the BuiltIn and UserGuide, but there was no line about this subject. Can anyone help me on this?

  • Zeinab Abbasimazar
    Zeinab Abbasimazar over 7 years
    The code you provided is identical to mine. BTW, I don't wanna make it global, I just want to eliminate redundant use of variable.
  • Zeinab Abbasimazar
    Zeinab Abbasimazar over 7 years
    I think you are right. I explored a lot and found nothing.
  • Todor Minakov
    Todor Minakov over 6 years
    @ZeinabAbbasimazar Python's mutable types are in fact changeable by keywords - check my answer below.