Robot framework, how to check class


Solution 1

You could create a new keyword via XPath selectors:

Element should have class
    [Arguments]  ${element}  ${className}
    Wait until page contains element  ${element}[contains(@class, '${className}')]

Or via CSS selectors:

Element should have class
    [Arguments]  ${element}  ${className}
    Wait until page contains element  ${element}.${className}

Wait until page contains element could be replaced by any keyword of your liking to check if the element exists and is visible, such as Element should be visible.

Solution 2

Here's an alternative solution (though the accepted answer's CSS one is quite good), working for any kind of selector strategy:

Element should have class
    [Arguments]  ${locator}  ${target value}

    ${class}=       Get Element Attribute  ${locator}@class
    Should Contain  ${class}        ${target value}

It can be modified for any other attribute - just substitute the @class in Get Element Attribute with it (or even, make it an optional argument).

Solution 3

Some of the solutions on this page may suffer from sub-string matches. Checking that the class attribute (e.g. test-run) contains a class (e.g. test) may pass even though it should fail.

There are a few ways to deal with this, but in the end, I did the following:

Element Should Have Class
    [Arguments]                ${locator}               ${class}
    ${escaped}=                Regexp Escape            ${class}
    ${classes}=                Get Element Attribute    ${locator}        class
    Should Match Regexp        ${classes}               \\b${escaped}\\b

Element Should Not Have Class
    [Arguments]                ${locator}               ${class}
    ${escaped}=                Regexp Escape            ${class}
    ${classes}=                Get Element Attribute    ${locator}        class
    Should Not Match Regexp    ${classes}               \\b${escaped}\\b
Tuomas Toivonen
Author by

Tuomas Toivonen

Updated on June 13, 2022


  • Tuomas Toivonen
    Tuomas Toivonen about 2 years

    Is there a keyword in Robot Framework to ensure element has a certain class? Something like

    Element should has class element className

    Alternatively, I could check if element has a certain attribute with certain value. Former would be more suitable though, as element may contain multiple classes.