How to perform a detailed and quick 3D performance test


Solution 1

Ubuntu since 11.04 comes with benchmarks glmark2 and glmark2-es2 which are quite good to perform simple benchmark (with shader) and are very light for download.

glmark2 is actively developed by Linaro group. With each new release, new and more demanding benchmarks are coming.

Benchmark also runs well on devices (ARM, OpenGL-ES2 based), so it's good (hardware) cross platform comparison. glmark2-es2 running on OMAP4/powervr Pandaboard

Solution 2

Unigine has a Linux version of their benchmarks with different shader levels support, could be worth checking out:

This is also included in the Phoronix test suite, which has lots of other automated graphics (and other) testing options as well.

In short, use the software centre to install php5-cli as a dependency for Phoronix, then download the Phoronix tarball and extract it. Detailed usage manuals can be found on the Phoronix site.

Solution 3

The chromium-bsu and gltron games in Ubuntu have a much smaller installation footprint than nexuiz and both feature a FPS counter. If I wanted to quickly test, I'd go this way.

Solution 4

glxgears stuck to 60fps may be due to VSync signal synchronization. Hope other benchmark application won't have same results, but depending on your graphic card you may bypass this. (but with risk to observe tearing on screen)

If you want to go on, I would suggest have a look to this discussion.

To disable Vsync, run glxgears like this:

vblank_mode=0 glxgears

Solution 5


by Kishonti Ltd. is considered a golden standard in the industry.

You can download a free version of their benchmark at:

Then run their scripts:


Kishonti makes money by selling more specialized versions of those benchmarks, and also source code as well if you pay an expensive license.

Youtube contains rendering of most of their high level benchmarks, e.g. Car Chase:


Mentioned at , but here go more details.

On Ubuntu 16.10:

sudo apt-get install phoronix-test-suite
phoronix-test-suite list-available-suites

This gives suite ID, descriptions and type. So just pick one of the graphics suites like pts/mesa (pts == Phoronix Test Suite) and run it:

phoronix-test-suite run pts/mesa

PTS seems to be a front-end for several benchmarks.

pts/mesa downloads and runs actual FPS games fullscreen, so results might be representative.


Related videos on Youtube

Author by


Updated on September 17, 2022


  • gsedej
    gsedej almost 2 years

    I am wondering how to quickly test performance of my 3D graphics. Since glxgears is not benchmark what should I use. Also glxgears sometimes stuck at 60FPS, you cannot even compare before/after driver update (e.g. adding xorg-edgers PPA). Even glxgears doesn't really work out of box.

    One possibility is screensavers, but you can't see FPS. I am also not willing to install 600MB nexuiz, specially if I am running on Live-CD. Other 3D games are also very big... Unigine tests are too demanding for opensource drivers (problems with too low OpenGL and probably texture compression (S3TC...)). I would also like to test OpenGL 2.x extentions.

    How to quickly test your 3D performance?

  • gsedej
    gsedej over 13 years
    Thanks for answer, but I can't help with this. They do offer GPU testing, but true other programs (like Maya, etc...)
  • gsedej
    gsedej over 13 years
    Thanks for an answer! Nice and small GL tests, but still too simple.
  • Joni Nevalainen
    Joni Nevalainen about 13 years
    Tried the sanctuary demo myself with lucid and the radeon driver. Lots of complaints about missing capabilities. After lying to the engine in the startup batch file, got just a blank window. Here's the list of missing mesa implementations: # Lie to test to compensate for mesa deficiency export MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE=+GL_ARB_map_buffer_range,GL_ARB_vert‌​ex_array_object,GL_A‌​RB_half_float_vertex‌​,GL_ARB_half_float_p‌​ixel,GL_EXT_texture_‌​swizzle,GL_ARB_shade‌​r_object,GL_ARB_vert‌​ex_shader,GL_ARB_fra‌​gment_shader,GL_ARB_‌​framebuffer_object,G‌​L_EXT_framebuffer_mu‌​ltisample
  • gsedej
    gsedej about 13 years
    Unity is very good benchmark, but does not work with opensource drivers. I want to test my old ATI 9600m GPU. Thanks for suggestion anyway. I am aware of PTS, but this is another layer, it's more about reporting that actually testing. There are applications that are already in Ubuntu repo.
  • Eyal
    Eyal about 11 years
    What do the results mean? If I'm trying to determine if my system has hardware acceleration, how do I interpret the glmark2 results to get an answer?
  • gsedej
    gsedej about 11 years
    Vergy good 3D benchmark is hard to make, but glmark2 is better than glxgears but still simple
  • Ciro Santilli
    Ciro Santilli over 8 years
    On 15.10, it segfaults after installing the driver nvidia-352:
  • neves
    neves over 7 years
    nvidia-375 and bug still there. Crash on start.
  • Ciro Santilli
    Ciro Santilli about 7 years
    __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=0 glxgears for nvidia drivers:…
  • Ciro Santilli
    Ciro Santilli about 7 years
    @neves now worked for me on Ubuntu 16.10, NVIDIA 375.39, glmark 2014.03, NVIDIA GTX 1080 and NVS 5400M.
  • Ciro Santilli
    Ciro Santilli over 6 years
    sudo apt-get install phoronix-test-suite on Ubuntu 15.10 helps to automate things:
  • WinEunuuchs2Unix
    WinEunuuchs2Unix about 6 years
    No problem on Intel Skylake with HD 530 graphics. glmark2 Score: 1924 while Youtube concurrently running in Full HD. Surprised the score is so close to GTX 1080??? On my own system GTX 970M lags on window resizing so I have it shut off.
  • Iluvathar
    Iluvathar almost 6 years
    glxgears is not a benchmark! It is totally CPU-bound on all modern graphics hardware!