How to play mp4 video in JAVA (swing) jframe using vlcj?Is there any other way to play mp4 in JAVA?


If you just want to play a mp4 file , then it is so easy

Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File("test.mp4"));

But If you want to play it specifically in JFrame
Then keep in mind that JMF is not supporting mp4.Here you can see the support formats.So for this I suggest you to use Xuggler which is an awesome API AFAIK.A very good example with code is present here
As far as vlcj concerns, here you can find a very good quick start guide and some simple code examples are present here

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Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    I want to play video file in JAVA(java swing).

    I have used JMF(java media framework). But it support .mpg format only.

    I want to play .mp4 format video file.

    How to do this?

    I could play mpg video using this code


    I want to know how i could use vlcj to play mp4 files.I need complete steps.starting from vlcj installation.

    I have included vlcj jar file in netbeans library also added to palette but I did not find vlc player.

    Please help me.