How to post params in the body of HTTP post request?


How about:

public static String makePostRequest(String stringUrl, String payload, 
    Context context) throws IOException {
    URL url = new URL(stringUrl);
    HttpURLConnection uc = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    String line;
    StringBuffer jsonString = new StringBuffer();

    uc.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
    OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(uc.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8");
    try {
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(uc.getInputStream()));
        while((line = br.readLine()) != null){
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    return jsonString.toString();

Where payload is the body JSON string. You will also need to use an AsyncTask and run the above method in the doInBackground method, like so:

new AsyncTask<String, String, String>() {

    protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
        try {
            String response = makePostRequest("", 
                "{ exampleObject: \"name\" }", getApplicationContext());
            return "Success";
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            return "";


Now you can use the response you get back from the server as well

Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • user6456773
    user6456773 almost 2 years

    I have a set of the params, entered by the user and stored here:

     RequestParams params = new RequestParams();
     params.put("confirmPass", confirmPass);
     params.put("username", email);
     params.put("password", password);

    Then I instantiate the AsyncHttpClient and implement the required methods:

     AsyncHttpClient client = new AsyncHttpClient();
        client.get(url, params, new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {
            public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBody) {
            public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBody, Throwable error) {
                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Failed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    How can I POST the params stored in the body of the request (I am using a server ( to mock the whole process)?

  • user6456773
    user6456773 almost 8 years
    Thanks a lot for the suggestion! The problem, for me, comes from the mock I need to implement. What I am doing so far - using, generating an empty request and giving the parameter of the request as URL in my code. My approach could be completely worng, but what I need to achieve is to post the info, collected from the user, in the body of the server POST request.
  • user6456773
    user6456773 almost 8 years
    Thanks for the idea. So, having the method, I invoke in the onSuccess? Something like this? makePostRequest(url,"name:name,email:email",getApplicationCo‌​ntext());
  • user6456773
    user6456773 almost 8 years
    Okey, it's getting clearer :) The AsyncTask i put in the onSuccess, or I don't need to use AsyncHttpClient anymore? What I am trying to do is bost the body of the resuest in Thanks a lot for the help!
  • instanceof
    instanceof almost 8 years
    You don't have to use AsyncHttpClient anymore :)