How to properly and easily configure `xdg-open` without any environment?


Solution 1

You can install and use perl-file-mimeinfo in the extra repository to manage mimetypes.

Example to open all .pdf files in apvlv:

/usr/bin/vendor_perl/mimeopen -d $file.pdf

or on other Linux distributions where mimeopen is NOT in /usr/bin/vendor_perl/ but is in one of the $PATH directories :

mimeopen -d $file.pdf

and then, at the prompt, enter the application: apvlv.

Solution 2

Why not to use utilities from xdg itself?

To make Thunar the default file-browser, i.e. the default application for opening folders.

$ xdg-mime default Thunar.desktop inode/directory

to use xpdf as the default PDF viewer:

$ xdg-mime default xpdf.desktop application/pdf

This should create an entry

[Default Applications]

in your local MIME database ~/.config/mimeapps.list.

Your PDF files should be opened with xpdf now.

Solution 3

You could use something like this to generate the appropriate xdg-mime commands for each of your .desktop files and the mimetypes they contain, then execute the ones you like. Note /usr/share/applications might have subdirectories.

find /usr/share/applications ~/.local/share/applications -iname '*.desktop' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' d; do
  for m in $(grep MimeType "$d" | cut -d= -f2 | tr ";" " "); do
    echo xdg-mime default "'$d'" "'$m'"

Solution 4

On Debian you could use the command, as root

update-mime-database /usr/share/mime

having the shared-mime-info package installed.

Solution 5

For those like me that did not know how to get the proper mimetype to use with xdg-mime:

1- Initial situation:

$ xdg-open . opens vscodium (who hardcoded this stupid file association?) :[

2- Problem: what is the mime type of "."?

$ mimetype . .: inode/directory

3- Solution:

$ xdg-mime default thunar.desktop inode/directory

NOTE: Following line doesnot work but no error is reported :{ $ xdg-mime default Thunar.desktop inode/directory


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Just a software developer,..

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • intractve
    intractve almost 2 years

    I'm using OpenBox window manager without any desktop environment.

    xdg-open behaves strangely. It opens everything with firefox.

    $ xdg-settings --list
    Known properties:
      default-web-browser           Default web browser

    I'm looking for a simple program; something like reading every *.desktop file in /usr/share/applications/ folder and automatically setting xdg settings.

    • michael
      michael over 10 years
      using xdg-mime (part of xdg-utils) is the best answer for working with (querying, configuring) xdg-open. See also…
    • IanS
      IanS over 3 years
      In case someone else has this issue with xdg-open opening everything in Firefox, simply deleting ~/.config/mimeapps.list and restarting fxed it for me (in Ubuntu 20.04).
  • intractve
    intractve about 12 years
    I've tried it. It doesn't work. I'm running Arch.
  • intractve
    intractve about 12 years
    It work's. But it only opens file. So my xdg-open left unconfigured and applications using xdg-open won't open files right.
  • jasonwryan
    jasonwryan about 12 years
    I don't quite follow your comment. What is not working? The -d switch sets the default. So if you use it to open fileA.pdf - you should then be able to open fileB.pdf with your preferred application.
  • intractve
    intractve about 12 years
    Yes. mimeopen -d a.pdf sets default for *.pdf, but it sets default for itself - mimeopen b.pdf works. But xdg-open configuration left unchanged and it still opens everything with firefox :/
  • jasonwryan
    jasonwryan about 12 years
    Once I have set the default with mimeopen, xdg-open behaves as expected--in the case of .pdfs, it opens them with apvlv.
  • intractve
    intractve about 12 years
    Yep, thanks. It's now working. I don't know why it didn't work before. I did same.
  • michael
    michael over 10 years
    +1 and see also my related answer to the related question,…
  • mVChr
    mVChr about 8 years
    Most useful answer, thanks. Easiest to know about defaults.list so it can simply be edited by hand if need be.
  • Skippy le Grand Gourou
    Skippy le Grand Gourou almost 8 years
    For some reason xdg-mime did not modify defaults.list, but editing it manually (thanks to hints in this answer) did the trick.
  • lzap
    lzap almost 8 years
    FYI few Perl dependencies are required for this, make sure you have them installed. RPM/DEB distributions will install these for you normally.
  • Nickolai Leschov
    Nickolai Leschov over 7 years
    This doesn't work for me in Lubuntu 16.04. sudo xdg-mime default pluma.desktop text/plain gives touch: cannot touch "/home/user/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list": No such file or directory /usr/bin/xdg-mime: 807: /usr/bin/xdg-mime: cannot create /home/user/.local/share/applications/ Directory nonexistent; /usr/bin/vendor_perl/mimeopen -d $file.txt gives bash: /usr/bin/vendor_perl/mimeopen: No such file or directory.
  • Mateen Ulhaq
    Mateen Ulhaq almost 7 years
    It seems defaults.list is now called mimeapps.list. See the Arch Wiki for a list of valid locations for mimeapps.list.
  • Scz
    Scz over 4 years
    To query the current default, use xdg-mime query default application/pdf
  • Scz
    Scz over 4 years
    See user60561's answer if any .desktop file name contains spaces.
  • aleb
    aleb over 4 years
    @Scz I copy/pasted the enhancement, I assume it works since it has been voted by 5 people. Thanks for pointing it.
  • daGo
    daGo about 4 years
    to figure out mimetype of a certain file run xdg-mime query filetype pathTofileYourInterestedIn
  • Greg Bell
    Greg Bell about 4 years
    Your result indicates that the xdg-mime default command isn't succeeding, or something is overwriting the mime database - maybe a nightly cron job? Editing distribution files in /usr/share/applications may solve the problem short term, but is a hack.
  • Flux
    Flux over 3 years
    I found my local MIME database in ~/.config/mimeapps.list.
  • Atralb
    Atralb over 3 years
    @izap, you got the path to the MIME database wrong, it is ~/.config/mimeapps.list.