How to properly update / install / compile ibus on 14.04, dconf problems?


For proper IntelliJ integration I had to compile iBus 1.5.11 from source.

To succeed on this I had to install libdconf-dev and libnotify-dev, which libs where not properly mentioned by to original ibus maintainer so I suggested him to add this information for a successful build process description on Debian based systems.

sudo apt-get install libdconf-dev libnotify-dev

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Sándor Bolla
Author by

Sándor Bolla

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Sándor Bolla
    Sándor Bolla over 1 year

    I updated recently to phpstorm 9.5 and it says I should update ibus to 1.5.11 or newer (which at this point the current one).

    Ok. I downloaded 1.5.11 from source and try to install it. I got some dependencies solved, but at one point I have a strange configuration error, that Package requirements (dconf >= 0.7.5) were not met.

    after installing dconf-tools and other parts of the dconf package I still get this massage. Than I did sudo apt-cache show dconf-tools and found in the output that libdconf0 (<< 0.7.3-2) is causing problems, as libdconf1 is 0.20.0-1 which seems to be newer.

    Assuming that on 14.04 libconfd0 is not used anymore this information is obsolete for the compiling ibus.

    How can I solve this?

    Edit 1:

    • installed dconf-tools, dconf-cli, dconf-editor as dconf package is not present in the packages.
    • checked the /etc directory there is dconf related stuff there
    • checked ibus/configure mechanism for dconf:

      if test x"$enable_dconf" = x"yes"; then
          # check dconf
              [dconf >= 0.7.5],
          PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([dconf >= 0.13.4],
              [AC_DEFINE(DCONF_0_13_4, TRUE, [dconf is 0.13.4 or later])],
          # check glib-compile-schemas
          enable_dconf="yes (enabled, use --disable-dconf to disable)"

    Edit 2:

    libdconf0 was misleading

    • Admin
      Admin over 8 years
      as I could figure out, the libdconf0 assumption was misleading, checking the ibus configuration it simple uses PKG_CHECK_MODULES where I couldn't found any dconf.pc entries on my computer
    • Admin
      Admin over 8 years
      git or dconf, that makes no difference. Simply use checkinstall, therefore your question is a duplicate of Make dpkg to know compiled programs : git
    • Admin
      Admin over 8 years
      I'm not sure how it helps with dconf
    • Admin
      Admin over 8 years
      still get No rule to make target `install' which means configure didn't run well of missing dconf which is not presence sudo apt-cache policy dconf
    • Admin
      Admin over 8 years
      Please edit your question and add what you have done. E.g. where you have downloaded the dconf source.
    • Admin
      Admin over 8 years
      sorry u r right, just didn't noticed that "edit" link below my original question even I was looking for it
    • Admin
      Admin over 8 years
      And why is libdconf0 installed? That package isn't available in Trusty. Why do you need libdconf0?
    • Admin
      Admin over 8 years
      sudo apt-get remove libdconf0; sudo apt-get install libdconf1
    • Admin
      Admin over 8 years
      @SándorBolla did you ever resolve this issue? also have the same problem, I just updated my webstorm to latest one.
    • Admin
      Admin over 8 years
      @zulucoda yes, I could and it worked for 3 months till version 10 come out, which indeed has similar problems with ibus, but I switched over to android developement with android studio which is kinda' similar intellij product, we will see
    • Admin
      Admin over 8 years
      @SándorBolla , Please write an answer instead of editing question. Make a look on this tour.
    • Admin
      Admin over 8 years
      @Sneetsher I was misguided by A.B. requesting editing my original question to what I have done
    • Admin
      Admin over 7 years
      Could you explain in detail how you went about building ibus 1.5.11? The source package… has a README that points to "ibus-setup", which I only found as setup/ (stupidly not executable), but I can't get that bash script to run (31: exec: @PYTHON@: not found).
    • Admin
      Admin over 7 years has a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT set of instructions. Most of the package dependencies are confusing (dbus-glib, dbus-python, notify-python, qt: none of these exist). Plus there are missing dependencies like autogen, gnome-common, and gtk-doc-tools. And then asks for 'gtk+-2.0' (and later 'gtk+-3.0'), which does not exist. Elsewhere in askubuntu, I find this is actually libgtk2.0-dev (libgtk-3-dev; note the inconsistent naming format). And finally 'dbus-1' for libdbus-1-dev.
    • Admin
      Admin over 6 years
  • Vadorequest
    Vadorequest over 8 years
    I get E: Unable to locate package libnofity-dev. This answer doesn't help much as it. How did you compile from source? I found a tutorial here: but even tho, I don't really understand your solution.
  • Sándor Bolla
    Sándor Bolla over 8 years
    the linked solution is for 15.04 not for 14.04, but libnotify-dev which was misspelled, I will edit the solution part
  • over 8 years
    @SándorBolla , would you accept your own answer as it is the one that works for you. see
  • RyanNerd
    RyanNerd over 8 years
    Works, but what a pain to to have to do this.
  • Heather92065
    Heather92065 about 8 years
    Here are some alternatives to deal with iBus and IntelliJ if you don't need multiple keyboard support:…