how to Put json data using Amazon API gateway to Kinesis stream


Solution 1

There's a walkthrough of how to set up API Gateway in front of Kinesis in the official AWS docs at

Solution 2

You must use the $utils variable to convert to base64 on your integration request template, here's my integration request template:

#set($msgBody = $util.parseJson($input.body))
#set($msgId = $msgBody.messageId)
    "Data": "$util.base64Encode($input.body)",
    "PartitionKey": "$msgId",
    "StreamName": "arena-hub-dev-ks"

See the line with the "Data" I'm using $util.base64Encode. In this case my APIGW endpoint accepts text/plain.

nikhil khare
Author by

nikhil khare

Updated on June 07, 2022


  • nikhil khare
    nikhil khare almost 2 years

    I setup an API using amazon api gateway and want to put data into kinesis streams. Amazon api gateway has inbuilt support for it. But when i trying to put json data it gives "Serialization exception".

    var data = {"ua_platform":"iPhone","ua_browsercodename":"Mozilla","ua_browserlanguage":"en-us","ua_header":"Mozilla\/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit\/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version\/9.0 Mobile\/13B143 Safari\/601.1","ua_browsername":"Netscape","key":"livestream_hindi",,"datetime_ut":"1458711871","datetime_dt":"2016-03-23","value":"15","source":"0","browser":"Mobile Safari-9.0.","os":"iOS-9.1.","device_detail":"iPhone Apple iPhone"};
        var json = JSON.stringify(data);    
    var params = { 'ContentType' : 'application/json','Access-Control-Allow-Headers' : 'Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,X-Amz-Security-Token'};
        var body =  {"Data":json,

    After this i make a put request

    apigClient.functionPut(params, body, additionalParams)
            //This is where you would put a success callback
        }).catch( function(result){
            //This is where you would put an error callback

    The api gives 200 ok along with the serialization exception. It is stated in put request the "Data" key in body variable will accept only "blob" type. Now i also tried converting JSON data to BLOB but no luck at all.

    I am not able to figure out what i am doing wrong. Please help.

  • nikhil khare
    nikhil khare almost 8 years
    Thanks for the Help. However i rectified the issue. I need to convert the stringified data to base64encoded data in order to push it into the stream. I used JAVASCRIPT:btoa() function and it works as expected.