How to put system to sleep instead of hibernate?


Sorry for the first answer, yes, sleep is for shell (Now edited).
You can sleep (suspend) your system using pm-utils (installed for default on ubuntu) or systemctl.


If you have installed systemctl, you can use direct interface for systemd

systemctl suspend

More info:
Power Management / Reduced Power


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Sidhin S Thomas
Author by

Sidhin S Thomas

Really passionate about computers. Programing. Always trying to learn something new. Lazy.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Sidhin S Thomas
    Sidhin S Thomas almost 2 years

    I am a newbie to Ubuntu, there doesn't seem to be any option to put the laptop to sleep instead of hibernate (suspend). Is there any way to put it to sleep instead?

    • Wilf
      Wilf over 9 years
      Which desktop session are you using (Unity/Xfce/GNOME/KDE etc), and what hardware are you using?
    • web.learner
      web.learner over 9 years
      I should point out that suspend and hibernate are not the same thing. Suspend is synonymous to sleep, while hibernate saves machine state to the disk and powers off.