How to Reduce the time taken to load a pickle file in python


Solution 1

Try using the json library instead of pickle. This should be an option in your case because you're dealing with a dictionary which is a relatively simple object.

According to this website,

JSON is 25 times faster in reading (loads) and 15 times faster in writing (dumps).

Also see this question: What is faster - Loading a pickled dictionary object or Loading a JSON file - to a dictionary?

Upgrading Python or using the marshal module with a fixed Python version also helps boost speed (code adapted from here):

try: import cPickle
except: import pickle as cPickle
import pickle
import json, marshal, random
from time import time
from hashlib import md5

test_runs = 1000

if __name__ == "__main__":
    payload = {
        "float": [(random.randrange(0, 99) + random.random()) for i in range(1000)],
        "int": [random.randrange(0, 9999) for i in range(1000)],
        "str": [md5(str(random.random()).encode('utf8')).hexdigest() for i in range(1000)]
    modules = [json, pickle, cPickle, marshal]

    for payload_type in payload:
        data = payload[payload_type]
        for module in modules:
            start = time()
            if module.__name__ in ['pickle', 'cPickle']:
                for i in range(test_runs): serialized = module.dumps(data, protocol=-1)
                for i in range(test_runs): serialized = module.dumps(data)
            w = time() - start
            start = time()
            for i in range(test_runs):
                unserialized = module.loads(serialized)
            r = time() - start
            print("%s %s W %.3f R %.3f" % (module.__name__, payload_type, w, r))


C:\Python27\python.exe -u ""
json int W 0.125 R 0.156
pickle int W 2.808 R 1.139
cPickle int W 0.047 R 0.046
marshal int W 0.016 R 0.031
json float W 1.981 R 0.624
pickle float W 2.607 R 1.092
cPickle float W 0.063 R 0.062
marshal float W 0.047 R 0.031
json str W 0.172 R 0.437
pickle str W 5.149 R 2.309
cPickle str W 0.281 R 0.156
marshal str W 0.109 R 0.047

C:\pypy-1.6\pypy-c -u ""
json int W 0.515 R 0.452
pickle int W 0.546 R 0.219
cPickle int W 0.577 R 0.171
marshal int W 0.032 R 0.031
json float W 2.390 R 1.341
pickle float W 0.656 R 0.436
cPickle float W 0.593 R 0.406
marshal float W 0.327 R 0.203
json str W 1.141 R 1.186
pickle str W 0.702 R 0.546
cPickle str W 0.828 R 0.562
marshal str W 0.265 R 0.078

c:\Python34\python -u ""
json int W 0.203 R 0.140
pickle int W 0.047 R 0.062
pickle int W 0.031 R 0.062
marshal int W 0.031 R 0.047
json float W 1.935 R 0.749
pickle float W 0.047 R 0.062
pickle float W 0.047 R 0.062
marshal float W 0.047 R 0.047
json str W 0.281 R 0.187
pickle str W 0.125 R 0.140
pickle str W 0.125 R 0.140
marshal str W 0.094 R 0.078

Python 3.4 uses pickle protocol 3 as default, which gave no difference compared to protocol 4. Python 2 has protocol 2 as highest pickle protocol (selected if negative value is provided to dump), which is twice as slow as protocol 3.

Solution 2

I've had nice results in reading huge files (e.g: ~750 MB igraph object - a binary pickle file) using cPickle itself. This was achieved by simply wrapping up the pickle load call as mentioned here

Example snippet in your case would be something like:

import timeit
import cPickle as pickle
import gc

def load_cpickle_gc():
    output = open('myfile3.pkl', 'rb')

    # disable garbage collector

    mydict = pickle.load(output)

    # enable garbage collector again

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "cPickle load (with gc workaround): "
    t = timeit.Timer(stmt="pickle_wr.load_cpickle_gc()", setup="import pickle_wr")
    print t.timeit(1),'\n'

Surely, there might be more apt ways to get the task done, however, this workaround does reduce the time required drastically. (For me, it reduced from 843.04s to 41.28s, around 20x)

Solution 3

If you are trying to store the dictionary to a single file, it's the load time for the large file that is slowing you down. One of the easiest things you can do is to write the dictionary to a directory on disk, with each dictionary entry being an individual file. Then you can have the files pickled and unpickled in multiple threads (or using multiprocessing). For a very large dictionary, this should be much faster than reading to and from a single file, regardless of the serializer you choose. There are some packages like klepto and joblib that already do much (if not all of the above) for you. I'd check those packages out. (Note: I am the klepto author. See

Author by


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Updated on July 10, 2022


  • iNikkz
    iNikkz almost 2 years

    I have created a dictionary in python and dumped into pickle. Its size went to 300MB. Now, I want to load the same pickle.

    output = open('myfile.pkl', 'rb')
    mydict = pickle.load(output)

    Loading this pickle takes around 15 seconds. How can I reduce this time?

    Hardware Specification: Ubuntu 14.04, 4GB RAM

    The code bellow shows how much time takes to dump or load a file using json, pickle, cPickle.

    After dumping, file size would be around 300MB.

    import json, pickle, cPickle
    import os, timeit
    import json
    mydict= {all values to be added}
    def dump_json():    
        output = open('myfile1.json', 'wb')
        json.dump(mydict, output)
    def dump_pickle():    
        output = open('myfile2.pkl', 'wb')
        pickle.dump(mydict, output,protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    def dump_cpickle():    
        output = open('myfile3.pkl', 'wb')
        cPickle.dump(mydict, output,protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    def load_json():
        output = open('myfile1.json', 'rb')
        mydict = json.load(output)
    def load_pickle():
        output = open('myfile2.pkl', 'rb')
        mydict = pickle.load(output)
    def load_cpickle():
        output = open('myfile3.pkl', 'rb')
        mydict = pickle.load(output)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        print "Json dump: "
        t = timeit.Timer(stmt="pickle_wr.dump_json()", setup="import pickle_wr")  
        print t.timeit(1),'\n'
        print "Pickle dump: "
        t = timeit.Timer(stmt="pickle_wr.dump_pickle()", setup="import pickle_wr")  
        print t.timeit(1),'\n'
        print "cPickle dump: "
        t = timeit.Timer(stmt="pickle_wr.dump_cpickle()", setup="import pickle_wr")  
        print t.timeit(1),'\n'
        print "Json load: "
        t = timeit.Timer(stmt="pickle_wr.load_json()", setup="import pickle_wr")  
        print t.timeit(1),'\n'
        print "pickle load: "
        t = timeit.Timer(stmt="pickle_wr.load_pickle()", setup="import pickle_wr")  
        print t.timeit(1),'\n'
        print "cPickle load: "
        t = timeit.Timer(stmt="pickle_wr.load_cpickle()", setup="import pickle_wr")  
        print t.timeit(1),'\n'

    Output :

    Json dump: 
    Pickle dump: 
    cPickle dump: 
    Json load: 
    pickle load: 
    cPickle load: 

    I have seen that cPickle takes less time to dump and load but loading a file still takes a long time.

  • iNikkz
    iNikkz over 9 years
    @twasbrllig : Pretty cool. Json is faster than pickle and cpickle but to load a json file, still a time taking process. Please may you check my updated question and suggests some incredible ideas.
  • Cees Timmerman
    Cees Timmerman over 9 years
    @Nikkz Using a newer Python and/or a linked third-party module might be even faster than marshal.
  • iNikkz
    iNikkz over 9 years
    @twasbrillig: Great thanks. You tried with int,float,str and you define a range between 0 to 1000 which is too small. if the value of 'n' will go to 10000000 then what ? time will be increased that don't want.
  • Cees Timmerman
    Cees Timmerman over 9 years
    @twasbrillig I don't wish to downgrade, but when running pip from the Scripts dir, i run into… @Nikkz The relative time should be the same. For 10 million 30-byte plaintext strings, use compression to offload the processing burden from the slow storage device to the fast CPU.
  • twasbrillig
    twasbrillig over 9 years
    @CeesTimmerman I tried installing ujson with pip and got that error too. But there are Windows binaries here and I installed the 64-bit versions for Python 2.7 and 3.4 and both worked for me!
  • Cees Timmerman
    Cees Timmerman over 9 years
    @twasbrillig Thanks. In 32-bit Python 3.4 on my 64-bit machine, marshal is 2 to 3 times faster than ujson, and produces up to 50% smaller output.
  • twasbrillig
    twasbrillig over 9 years
    Cool, sounds like we have a winner!
  • Cees Timmerman
    Cees Timmerman over 9 years
    I tested zlib and bz2 compression here. zlib default level 6 is roughly twice as small but 5 times as slow to load, though i only used RAM.
  • Tommy
    Tommy over 6 years
    JSON will not work if you have any values of bytes in your dictionary, so this post makes a huge assumption. Not everything is json serializable!
  • Varlor
    Varlor over 6 years
    If i try this, i get the error : TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not _io.BufferedReader. The pickle was written with "wb" mode
  • Tejas Shah
    Tejas Shah over 6 years
    Can you provide the snippet / try following for pickling the obj?: with open(filename, 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(obj, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
  • jsj
    jsj about 6 years
    cPickle is sooooo much faster
  • TabeaKischka
    TabeaKischka over 5 years
    Thanks very much, this is a very convenient way to speed up my script :)
  • Gokul NC
    Gokul NC almost 3 years
    How/why does disabling GC help, if at all it helps?
  • nimig18
    nimig18 almost 2 years
    Very intriguing answer! I'm in the same vote I have various serialized (100 to 300MB) pickle files that I would like to create/load into a single dictionary but it takes to much time to individually load would rather cache. Could you possible provide or link a very basic example using kelpto / joblib to achieve this?
  • Mike McKerns
    Mike McKerns almost 2 years
    look at klepto.archives.dir_archive or klepto.archives.hdfdir_archive. Essentially, both have a dictionary interface that's been extended a bit.
  • Mike McKerns
    Mike McKerns almost 2 years
    There's some basic functionality demonstrated in this test of dir_archive:…