How to reference a Domain Controller out of the Local Network?


Solution 1

For the love of God, don't have Domain Controllers that are accessible over the internet. That's begging for a catastrophe. You need to set up site-to-site VPNs between your sites, and make sure your subnet/subdomain on which AD is located is NOT accessible other the internet through anything but a VPN.

In IPv4, that means your Domain Controllers, (and your whole internal network as well) should have a privately routed address such as 10.x.x.x 192.168.x.x or 172.16-31.x.x, and not start with a publicly routed octet like 109.

DO NOT just go punching holes in your firewalls to make this work, please.

Solution 2

The clue is in the error message, the servers that you plan to join to the domain need to use the DNS servers that hold your AD DNS zone as their DNS servers. It looks like they're using some public DNS servers, which I'm guessing are not the DNS servers holding your AD DNS zone.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Dipto
    Dipto almost 2 years

    I have a set of radio groups as follow:

    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='SI1' VALUE='0'>Y</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='SI1' VALUE='1'>N</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='SI1' VALUE='2'>NA</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='1S1' VALUE='0'>group1</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='1S1' VALUE='1'>group2</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='1S1' VALUE='2'>group3</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='1S2' VALUE='0'>group1</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='1S2' VALUE='1'>group2</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='1S2' VALUE='2'>group3</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='SI2' VALUE='0'>Y</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='SI2' VALUE='1'>N</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='SI2' VALUE='2'>NA</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='2S1' VALUE='0'>group1</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='2S1' VALUE='1'>group2</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='2S1' VALUE='2'>group3</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='2S2' VALUE='0'>group1</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='2S2' VALUE='1'>group2</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='2S2' VALUE='2'>group3</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='2S3' VALUE='0'>group1</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='2S3' VALUE='1'>group2</br>
    <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='2S3' VALUE='2'>group3</br>

    Basically I have a sub group of a radio button set. I want to assign all of the radio buttons the value of the group header. For example, if the user sets value 2 in option group named 'SI2', all the groups starting with '2S' should have value 2.

    I tried to use the '*=' and '~=' selector, which I got from googling, but nothing worked.

    $('input[type=radio][name~=SI]').change(function() {
         var names = section_index+'S';

    This does not work for the 1st selector itself ( name containing SI), Then I changed to the following:

    $('input[type=radio][name=SI'+section_index+']').change(function() {
        var names = section_index+'S';

    I did the above in a loop which has section_index as controlling variable, here, the 1st selector works (name exact match) but the next one does not (name containing the section_index).

    I am OK to change the naming of the groups if that helps.

    Please consider that I am new to jquery, so please pardon if I missed something very obvious.

    • Steve365
      Steve365 over 9 years
      In the nicest possible way, I'm going to suggest that if this is ultimately aimed at a business production environment, you should enlist some help from a sysadmin who does this sort of stuff for a living. AD configuration is not something you can just learn overnight.
    • Ram Segev
      Ram Segev over 7 years
      please add more code and put it in snippet of jsfiddle, cheers
    • Dipto
      Dipto over 7 years
      @RamSegev, Here's the fiddle. Btw, I figured out the issue :) Thanks
  • Mark
    Mark almost 12 years
    Exactly. But, let's add, the most common way to do this is to point the DNS settings for member servers at the DNS services running on the Domain Controller(s).
  • joeqwerty
    joeqwerty almost 12 years
    In most scenarios (and probably this one) the DC is also the DNS server, but it's not a given and shouldn't be assumed.
  • Adriano Carneiro
    Adriano Carneiro almost 12 years
    I already tried that. It just appends the newly added DNS IP address to the error message. And, yes, the DC is also the DNS. It was a out-of-the-box-and-no-further-fiddling installation. Could there be something wrong with the DNS setup?
  • Adriano Carneiro
    Adriano Carneiro almost 12 years
    I tried your first suggestion, did not work, same error message.
  • Robin Gill
    Robin Gill almost 12 years
    Check your DC is pointing to itself for primary DNS, then open a command prompt and type nslookup then enter, then set q=srv then enter, then type (or as appropriate) and then enter. It should return your DC.
  • Adriano Carneiro
    Adriano Carneiro almost 12 years
    "Check your DC is pointing to itself for primary DNS". Excuse my inexperience, but how can I do this?
  • Robin Gill
    Robin Gill almost 12 years
    Assuming you are running server 08, on your DC, click Start, Control Panel, Network and Sharing Centre, Local Area Connection (assuming you have one NIC), then properties, Internet Protocol 4 (TCP/IPv4), properties, then check the primary DNS server ip address is that of itself.
  • joeqwerty
    joeqwerty almost 12 years
    Is there a firewall between the client server and the DC/DNS server? If so, that's the next thing to check. You'll need to have the appropriate ports open between the two in order for a domain join to work. The relevant ports should be: Kerberos (port 88 TCP/UDP), LDAP (port 389 TCP/UDP), SMB (port 445 TCP/UDP), and DNS (port 53 TCP/UDP). I can't think of any other ports but someone else will chime in if I've missed any.
  • Robin Gill
    Robin Gill almost 12 years
    Again assuming server 2008, go to start, administrative tools, DNS. Then expand your DC, expand Forward Lookup Zones, expand, then expand DomainDNSZones and click _tcp. Do you see any entries in the pane on the right? If you have just the one DC, you should see 1 record with Name: _ldap, Type: Service Location (SRV), Data [0][100][389] If that's not there and it's a straight fresh install, something has gone wonky with AD and DNS. If it is there, your the DNS server part of your DC is broken.
  • Adriano Carneiro
    Adriano Carneiro almost 12 years
    Dare I ask what kind of catastrophe? Security issues?
  • HopelessN00b
    HopelessN00b almost 12 years
    @Adrian That would be opening up your Active Directory to be [potentially] accessible to the whole world... so yeah, security. Anything from information leakage to someone compromising AD and deciding to delete everything for shits and giggles.
  • Dipto
    Dipto over 7 years
    ^= is the required thing. :) . But unfortunately, this is not working. I have figured out the solution to check a radio button.