How to run RAW SQL query in PhalconPHP


Solution 1

All I see is your SQL, do you want to show how you are trying to run it in phalcon?

One of the easy ways that you can run raw SQL without using models or metadata is to use a base adapter, in this example I will use PDO:

        $connection = new Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql(array(
              'host' => 'localhost',
              'username' => 'user',
              'password' => 'password',
              'dbname' => 'optional'


        $sql = 'select * from database.table';

        $result_set = $connection->query($sql);
        $result_set = $result_set->fetchAll($result_set);

Solution 2

To run a raw sql on a controller:

$this->db->query("SELECT * FROM robots WHERE id > 0");

To run a raw sql on a model:

$this->getDi()->getShared('db')->query("SELECT * FROM robots WHERE id > 0");

Solution 3

From the documentation:

If Raw SQL queries are common in your application a generic method could be added to your model:


use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset\Simple as Resultset;

class Robots extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model
    public static function findByRawSql($conditions, $params=null)
        // A raw SQL statement
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM robots WHERE $conditions";

        // Base model
        $robot = new Robots();

        // Execute the query
        return new Resultset(null, $robot, $robot->getReadConnection()->query($sql, $params));

Solution 4

basend on the answer of david.duncan, working edition :P (missing commas added + array print)

$con = new Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql(array(
        'host' => 'localhost',
        'username' => '',
        'password' => '',
        'dbname' => 'aDatabase'

    $sql = 'select * from aDatabase.aTable';
    $result = $con->query($sql);
    $result = $result->fetchAll($result);

    foreach($result as $one)
        echo print_r($one) . '<br>';
Sir Z.
Author by

Sir Z.

Updated on July 20, 2020


  • Sir Z.
    Sir Z. almost 4 years

    I try to get result from this query

    $sql = "
                    SET @col = NULL;
                    SET @sql = NULL;
                          'SUM(CASE WHEN tbl.sdate = ''',
                          ''' THEN tbl.result ELSE NULL END) AS ''',
                      ) Into @col
                    From (
                        select concat(month(i.invdate),'.',year(i.invdate)) as colname
                        from invoices as i
                        where i.invtype = 1 and = 5
                        order by i.invdate  
                    ) As collst;
                    SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT tbl.wrkname,', @col, ' 
                                            FROM (
                                                Select wl.wgname As wrkname, Concat(Month(i.invdate),''.'',Year(i.invdate)) as sdate, Sum(id.qty * id.price) As result
                                                From invoices As i
                                                    Join invoicedetails As id
                                                        On i.pchid = id.pchid
                                                    Join workgroups As w
                                                        On i.wid = w.wid
                                                    Join workgrouplist As wl
                                                        On w.wglid = wl.wglid
                                                Where i.invtype = ', 1, ' And =', 5,
                                                ' Group By, sdate
                                                Order By i.invdate, wrkname
                                            ) AS tbl
                                            GROUP BY tbl.wrkname');
                    PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
                    EXECUTE stmt;
                    DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;

    But result was "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error".

    Phalcon version: 1.2.4

    Profiler log is:

    SQL Statement: SET @col = NULL; SET @sql = NULL; Select Group_Concat(Distinct Concat( 'SUM(CASE WHEN tbl.sdate = ''', colname, ''' THEN tbl.result ELSE NULL END) AS ''', colname,'''' ) ) Into @col From ( select concat(month(i.invdate),'.',year(i.invdate)) as colname from invoices as i where i.invtype = 1 and = 5 order by i.invdate   ) As collst; SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT tbl.wrkname,', @col, ' FROM ( Select wl.wgname As wrkname, Concat(Month(i.invdate),''.'',Year(i.invdate)) as sdate, Sum(id.qty * id.price) As result From invoices As i Join invoicedetails As id On i.pchid = id.pchid Join workgroups As w On i.wid = w.wid Join workgrouplist As wl On w.wglid = wl.wglid Where i.invtype = ', 1, ' And =', 5, ' Group By, sdate Order By i.invdate, wrkname ) AS tbl GROUP BY tbl.wrkname'); PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; 
    Start Time: 1388927869.2788
    Final Time: 1388927869.2808
    Total Elapsed Time: 0.0019619464874268

    Problem solved: I create stored procedure and insert all query. Next i call stored procedure in php script.

    $sql = "CALL GetReportByProjectBetweenDates(1, 5)";
    $result = $this->db->query($sql);