How to save workbook and handle TITUS (or any other document classification add-in) popup?


Solution 1

As ridiculously simple as it looks (I don't know how I haven't thought of this before), I manage to solve my issue by simply adding objExcel.EnableEvents = False before saving the file:

objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
objExcel.EnableEvents = False   ' this is the problem solver for the matter!
objWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\my_folder_path\my_file_name.xls"
objExcel.EnableEvents = True    ' Not sure if this statement is necessary, though
Set objWorkbook = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing

Solution 2

So far as I can tell, none of the above answers actually classify the Excel workbook (and I found this on our work intranet having failed to find any code on the internet).

The code below should set Classification as Internal which can be amended as you need, and will also create the footer text based on 'ClassificationVal'.

Code then sets the classification, adds the left footer and removes the annoying page breaks at the same time (note: setting classification automatically sets page breaks).

Disabling events before save seems to be the only way to avoid the pop up box...

Note: you will need to replace '[Company Name]-' with e.g. 'IBM-' (if your company adds it's name to the classification, and delete '[Company Name]-' if they use the TITUS classification only. Also, the classifications seem to be bespoke to each company from my experience, so you may need to update accordingly.

ClassificationVal = "[Company Name]-1nternal"

ClassificationDesc = "[Company Name]: "
ClassificationDesc2 = ""
    Select Case ClassificationVal
        Case "[Company Name]-1nternal"
            ClassificationDesc2 = "Internal"
        Case "[Company Name]-pub1ic"
            ClassificationDesc2 = "Public"
        Case "[Company Name]-Confidentia1"
            ClassificationDesc2 = "Confidential"
        Case "[Company Name]-5ecret"
            ClassificationDesc2 = "Secret"
        Case "[Company Name]-pr1vate"
            ClassificationDesc2 = "Private"
    End Select
    If ClassificationDesc2 = "" Then Stop
ClassificationDesc = ClassificationDesc & ClassificationDesc2

With ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties
     .Add Name:="[Company Name]Classification", _
     LinkToContent:=False, _
     Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, _
End With

For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    ws.PageSetup.LeftFooter = ClassificationDesc
    ws.DisplayPageBreaks = False
Next ws

Application.EnableEvents = False    'disable TITUS pop-up

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
        "C:\Data\kelvinj\My Documents\TITUS Test.xlsx", 'Change to suite your requirements
             FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook _
             , CreateBackup:=False

Application.EnableEvents = True

Not sure why this is so hard to find a solution to - this is the 2nd multinational company I've worked for to be infected by TITUS, so there must be loads of people needing this code surely?!

Victor Moraes
Author by

Victor Moraes

+5 years of experience as Test Analyst, 2 years of experience with Test Automation. I have basic to intermediate knowledge in vba and vbscript and I learn something every day. I'm also a guitar player in two local bands and I have a dream that, someday, I'll be touring with one of them :)

Updated on June 26, 2022


  • Victor Moraes
    Victor Moraes about 2 years

    I'm creating a script in HP UFT 12 which performs grid data validation against a CSV file and saves the results in a Excel file with two worksheets.
    I'm using Excel for this because it is much more clear for the user, as it allows cell formatting, is easier to compare the data and so forth.

    My code works in my machine, but my client has TITUS document classification add-in installed, so every time they run my script, it hangs because of the TITUS pop-up message that asks user to classify the document upon saving. The message is not displayed to the user, probably because of objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False, but the script does not move forward.

    Following is the portion of my code which is related to the matter (I have omitted most of the code, for confidentiality reasons).

    Dim objExcel : Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Dim objWorkbook : Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add
    objExcel.Visible = False
    Dim wsGrid : Set wsGrid = objWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
    wsGrid.Name = "Grid Data"
    Dim wsExported : Set wsExported = objWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
    wsExported.Name = "Exported Data"
    ' Internal code to perform validation and fill worksheets ...
    objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
    objWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\my_folder_path\my_file_name.xls"    ' This is where it hangs in machines where the add-in is installed
    Set objWorkbook = Nothing
    Set objExcel = Nothing

    I have searched online but haven't find anything related to it so far. I did find this and this, but they are related to TITUS for Outlook and in neither one the issue is properly solved.
    Does anyone know how to solve this, or can point me to a research material to help me solve this issue?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Dave
      Dave almost 8 years
      If this is running in UFT, can't you add the relevant popup to the object repository and handle it that way?
    • Victor Moraes
      Victor Moraes almost 8 years
      @Dave, that's one thing I haven't tried. I don't have the add-in installed on my machine. Besides, the object is not visible at runtime. Would it be possible to handle the combobox and button objects even though they are not visible? Would I be able to perform something like a objButton.Click in a button that is not visible.
    • Dave
      Dave almost 8 years
      If it's running as an addin to excel, dialogs should be accessible via Excel itself - maybe there's a VBA method you can implement to handle the popup programatically? Maybe you can get the addin installed on your dev machine to figure out the best way to handle it? If all else fails, you can always use a SendKeys call to echo an Enter to the Excel app which would hopefully clear the popup?
    • Victor Moraes
      Victor Moraes almost 8 years
      @Dave, thank you for your thoughts, but I manage to solve it by simple adding objExcel.EnableEvents = False before saving the file. Never thought it could be that simple.
  • Victor Moraes
    Victor Moraes over 6 years
    Hmm so you open the blank workbook on every execution, paste the content and then save it? Is that how it works? I still think the solution I've found is more practical as it does not require this manual action, because anyone who would execute my script would need to create such workbook on their computers beforehand...
  • Victor Moraes
    Victor Moraes almost 6 years
    I believe the previous answers doesn't classify Excel because that wasn't my goal at the time. I simply wanted to get rid of the pop-up, which I managed to do so with the solution I posted. That been said, it seems your way of handling the situation may also be suitable, although it requires more configuration to it and may also not work, if the code is shared and run between multiple companies (my case). I cannot know for sure whether it will work because I no longer have access to UFT. In any case, thanks for sharing!
  • Colin Miles
    Colin Miles over 3 years
    If working in the application directly can use: Application.EnableEvents = False, works like a champ.