How to select an element by classname using jqLite?


Solution 1

Essentially, and as-noted by @kevin-b:

// find('#id')

//find('.classname'), assumes you already have the starting elem to search from

Note: If you're looking to do this from your controllers you may want to have a look at the "Using Controllers Correctly" section in the developers guide and refactor your presentation logic into appropriate directives (such as <a2b ...>).

Solution 2

angualr uses the lighter version of jquery called as jqlite which means it doesnt have all the features of jQuery. here is a reference in angularjs docs about what you can use from jquery. Angular Element docs

In your case you need to find a div with ID or class name. for class name you can use

var elems =$element.find('div') //returns all the div's in the $elements

or you can use much simpler way by query selector



it is not as flexible as jQuery but what

Solution 3

If elem.find() is not working for you, check that you are including JQuery script before angular script....


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A software poet, a game warrior, and a biological computer. More at A.lgorithms and its blog

Updated on January 17, 2020


  • Lior
    Lior over 4 years

    I'm trying to remove jquery from my Angular.js app in order to make it lighter, and put Angular's jqLite instead. But the app makes heavy use of find('#id') and find ('.classname'), which are not supported by jqLite, only 'tag names' (as per documentation)

    wondered what do u feel would be the best approach to change it. One approach I thought about is to create custom HTML tags. for example: change
    <span class="btn btn-large" id="add-to-bag">Add to bag</span>


    <a2b style="display:none;"><span class="btn btn-large" >Add to bag</span></a2b>





    Any thoughts? other ideas?



    • Kevin B
      Kevin B about 11 years
      ID's must be unique, therefore it makes no sense to find an element that is a child of another element by ID. Simply select the element by Id. If your Id's aren't unique, change your ID to a class. Also, you can use DomElement.querySelector(".myclassname") to select a single decendant element using a css selector, or all matching by adding All to it: DomElement.querySelectorAll(".myclassname") That of course doesn't work in IE<9.
    • Mark Rajcok
      Mark Rajcok about 11 years
      If you define an a2b element, you must have defined a directive. Can you do what needs to be done in the link function of the directive, and therefore avoid the need to call find() entirely? Similarly with your classes -- can you define directives and put the functionality you need into the directives' link (or compile) functions?
    • Lior
      Lior about 11 years
      @KevinB Angular's jqLite is said to support 'only tag names'
    • Lior
      Lior about 11 years
      @MarkRajcok I didnt define a directive. it seems to work in IE and chrome. but even if I would define a directive, why would it help? I would still need to get hold of a DOM element.
    • Fabi
      Fabi about 11 years
      How come find('span.btn') or similar doesn't work for you?
    • Kevin B
      Kevin B about 11 years
      @Fabi .find in jqLite doesn't support the .btn portion of that string
    • Fabi
      Fabi about 11 years
      oh im sorry I didnt catch the "only tag names" part
    • Mark Rajcok
      Mark Rajcok about 11 years
      In the link function of a directive, the second argument, element is the DOM element (wrapped in jQuery or jqLite).
    • Fabi
      Fabi about 11 years
      Maybe you've already read this, but I thought I should share anyways -
    • Lior
      Lior about 11 years
      @Fabi jqLite does not support class names see $element.find('span.btn'); [] $element.find('a2b'); [ <a2b style=​"display:​none;​">​…​</a2b>​ ]
    • HonoredMule
      HonoredMule almost 9 years
      parent.find('#id') is an uncommon but perfectly valid thing to want to do. It provides element #id only when that element is a child of parent, excluding it otherwise.
  • Lior
    Lior about 11 years
    Thanks! to add from Ricardo Bin answer (angular's mailing list), $document injectable could be used too:
  • Per Quested Aronsson
    Per Quested Aronsson over 10 years
    Unfortunately, the referred URL is no longer valid (‌​ller), and there doesn't seem to be any replacement in that section.
  • Matt B
    Matt B over 9 years
    Although the OP specifically asked about jqLite, for those using jQuery and expecting find() to work with classes and ID's as well this answer may certainly help.
  • Broda Noel
    Broda Noel over 9 years
    No. angular.element(document.querySelector('#id')) is the alternative to: $('#id'), not for: elementArray.find('#id')
  • Kenn
    Kenn over 9 years
    Right - but as we have found as we build new parts of our application in angular we sometimes need to "duct tape" older parts onto it for a while until they can be updated or re-factored. In our case we needed to load some old jquery/ajax data without modifying the existing mess so we did the following- $http.get('/Task/GetTaskStatsByTaskId/' + taskId).success(function (data) { angular.element(document.querySelector('#userTasksContainer'‌​)).html(data); });
  • cleversprocket
    cleversprocket about 9 years
    If elem is a jqlite object it would be angular.element(elem[0].querySelector('.classname'));
  • Arpit Kumar
    Arpit Kumar over 7 years
    Can we select element using ng-model? Using Angular element.
  • Kmaczek
    Kmaczek over 7 years
    To clarify: "If jQuery is available, angular.element is an alias for the jQuery function. If jQuery is not available, angular.element delegates to Angular's built-in subset of jQuery, called "jQuery lite" or jqLite.". Quote from: . jqLite contains find().