How to show hidden files (dotfiles) with windows powershell


In order to show such hidden files, use the -Force parameter for the Get-Childitem command.

Get-ChildItem . -Force

You also can use its aliases, with -Force

dir -Force
ls -Force
gci -Force

Also: if you want to delete fully delete e.g. the .git Directory, you may use Delete-Item .\.git -Force


According to Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Examples "Example 3" this also works: dir -att h, !h

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Updated on July 30, 2022


  • fuma
    fuma almost 2 years

    When I have hidden files, like dotfiles or a .git directory: How can I list those files and directories in Powershell?

    Neither Get-ChildItem, dir nor ls seem to show them.

  • Jason S
    Jason S almost 6 years
    Get-ChildItem -Attributes Hidden, !Hidden if you like to type
  • Raúl Salinas-Monteagudo
    Raúl Salinas-Monteagudo almost 5 years
    "ls -at h " would be the shortest
  • plocks
    plocks over 4 years
    -force and -FORCE do work too.
  • ricardoNava
    ricardoNava about 4 years
    you can also do dir -Fo ls -Fo gci -Fo
  • Naimul Kabir
    Naimul Kabir almost 3 years
    Thanks, man. @ricardoNava. This obviously made it much simpler.