How to tell what packages you have used in R


Solution 1

I found the function from NCmisc (install.packages("NCmisc")) quite helpful for this:, alphabetic = TRUE)

For more info see this link:

Solution 2

The ‘renv’ package provides a robust solution for this nowadays via renv::dependencies.

renv::dependencies performs proper static analysis and reliably finds package dependencies even when they are declared in non-standard ways (e.g. via box::use) or via a package DESCRIPTION file rather than via library or ::.

As a quick hack I’ve previously (pre-‘renv’) used a shell script for this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

source_files=($(git ls-files '*.R'))
grep -hE '\b(require|library)\([\.a-zA-Z0-9]*\)' "${source_files[@]}" | \
    sed '/^[[:space:]]*#/d' | \
    sed -E 's/.*\(([\.a-zA-Z0-9]*)\).*/\1/' | \
    sort -uf \

This uses Git to collect all R files under version control in a project. Since you should be using version control anyway this is normally a good solution (although you may want to adapt the version control system). For the few cases where the project isn’t under version control you should (1) put it under version control. Or, failing that, (2) use find . -regex '.*\.[rR]' instead of git ls-files '*.R'.

And it produces a DEPENDS file containing a very simple list of dependencies.

It only finds direct calls to library and require though – if you wrap those calls, the script won’t work.

Solution 3

Based on everyone's response, especially eh21's suggestion of the NCmisc package, I put together a little function that outputs a list of packages used in all your R scripts in a directory, as well as their frequencies.



    ## get all R files in your directory
    ## by the way, extract R code from Rmd:
    files<-list.files(path)[str_detect(list.files(path), ".R$")]

    ## extract all functions and which package they are from 
    ## using
    funs<-unlist(lapply(paste0(path, "/", files),
    packs<-funs %>% names()

    ## "character" functions such as reactive objects in Shiny
    characters<-packs[str_detect(packs, "^character")]

    ## user defined functions in the global environment
    globals<-packs[str_detect(packs, "^.GlobalEnv")]

    ## functions that are in multiple packages' namespaces 
    multipackages<-packs[str_detect(packs, ", ")]

    ## get just the unique package names from multipackages
    mpackages<-multipackages %>%
               str_extract_all(., "[a-zA-Z0-9]+") %>%
               unlist() %>%
    mpackages<-mpackages[!mpackages %in% c("c", "package")]

    ## functions that are from single packages
    packages<-packs[str_detect(packs, "package:") & !packs %in% multipackages] %>%
              str_replace(., "[0-9]+$", "") %>%
              str_replace(., "package:", "") 

    ## unique packages
    packages_u<-packages %>%
                unique() %>%
                union(., mpackages)

    return(list(packs=packages_u, tb=table(packages)))



Solution 4

I am not sure of a good way to automatize this... but what you could do is:

  1. Open a new R console
  2. Check with sessionInfo that you don't have extra packages loaded.
    You could check this using sessionInfo. If you, by default, load extra packages (e.g. using your .RProfile file) I suggest you avoid doing that, as it's a recipe for disaster.
    Normally you should only have the base packages loaded: stats, graphics, grDevices, utils, datasets, methods, and base.

    You can unload any extra libraries using:

    detach("package:<packageName>", unload=TRUE)
  3. Now run the script after commenting all of the library and require calls and see which functions give an error.

  4. To get which package is required by each function type in the console:

  5. Load the required packages and re-run steps 3-5 until satisfied.

Solution 5

You might want to look at the checkpoint function from Revolution Analytics on GitHub here:

It does some of this, and solves the problem of reproducibility. But I don't see that it can report a list of what you are using.

However if you looked a the code you probably get some ideas.

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Hi, i'm a person!

Updated on February 09, 2022


  • aeongrail
    aeongrail over 2 years

    I have a very long R script with many if statements and exception cases. As i've been going, if been importing and testing libraries as I've gone and haven't really documented them very well. The problem is that if I run this from a clean installation, i'm not sure which statements the script will run, and so which libraries will be needed.

    My question is: Is there any R function to test which libraries are being used in a script?

    EDIT: I have not used all of the libraries that have been installed so print(sessionInfo()) won't be useful but and I just want to start the script with an install.packages function