How to update IIS 6 to IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard?


Solution 1

IIS on Windows is version-locked. This means that 1 version of IIS ships with a specific version of Windows and that's it. If you want to change IIS, you need to change your version of Windows.

This matrix might help

IIS 5   -   Windows 2000 Server
IIS 6   -   Windows Server 2003
IIS 7   -   Windows Server 2008
IIS 7.5 -   Windows Server 2008 R2
IIS 8   -   Windows Server 2012

Generally speaking IIS Express isn't installed on a server, because there's no need. If you're working with an existing Windows 2008 R2 server that has the IIS (Web Server) role installed, you're working with IIS 7.5

Solution 2

There is no IIS6 on Windows Server 2008R2, and it is not possible to install it there. So you already have IIS 7.5.

IIS 7.5 express is an application, not a service, it does not show up in Server Management, both Express and the full version can be installed at the same time. There is usually no reason to install Express on a server. It's used to development on workstations.


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hema chandra
Author by

hema chandra

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • hema chandra
    hema chandra over 1 year

    I am new to Log4j2. I have written a simple program that actually logs data into RollingRandomAccessFile using log4j2. Below is the program:

    public class Log4j2Example {
     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static Logger mlogger = null;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        mlogger = LogManager.getLogger("Messages-log");
        int i = 0;
        while (true) {
            String str = "Hello" + i;

    My log4j2.xml file

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Configuration status="warn">
         <RollingRandomAccessFile name="Messages-log" fileName="Log4J/Messages-${date:yyyy-MM-dd}.log"
                   immediateflush="true" filePattern="Log4J/Messages-%d{MM-dd-yyyy-HH}-%i.log.gz">
            <Pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %p %m%n</Pattern>
            <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy />
            <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="500 MB"/>
          <DefaultRolloverStrategy max="50"/>
        <Logger name="Messages-log" level="info" additivity="false">
            <appender-ref ref="Messages-log" level="info"/>
        <root level="info">
            <appender-ref ref="Messages-log"/>

    I am writing a simple statement into the log file sleeping for 20 milli-seconds for every record. Now the time stamp in the file should be for example: If the first statement is logged at 17:20:32:354 then the next statement should be logged at 17:20:32:374 but it is logging at 17:20:32:384. An extra of 11 milli-seconds constantly is added for every record. Below is my log file output

    2017-12-04 17:40:42.205 INFO Hello11
    2017-12-04 17:40:42.236 INFO Hello12
    2017-12-04 17:40:42.268 INFO Hello13
    2017-12-04 17:40:42.299 INFO Hello14
    2017-12-04 17:40:42.330 INFO Hello15
    2017-12-04 17:40:42.361 INFO Hello16
    2017-12-04 17:40:42.393 INFO Hello17
    2017-12-04 17:40:42.424 INFO Hello18

    You can see that first statement is logged at .205 milli second and the second statement is logged at .236 milli second. Infact I am sleeping the thread for 20 milliseconds so the correct timestamp should be .226 milli second. What am I doing wrong here? I need the exact time stamp to be written as it is very important in production. I have also tried this with log4j 1 but the same result. I have synchronized my System time with Internet time also. And one thing I found it worked perfectly with 5 and 15 milli-seconds of sleep but from 20 milli seconds this is causing a big issue.

  • hema chandra
    hema chandra over 6 years
    I ran with sleeps of multiples of 5 that consists digit 5 at last (5,15,25,35) It is absolutely working fine. But when I use even numbers like 10,20 30 I am facing this problem. Need to research more. So do you have any idea that which Operating System is Real-Time?
  • Remko Popma
    Remko Popma over 6 years
    There are “real-time” Linux versions (probably Windows versions also) that can give better guarantees about wait time. The trade off is usually reduced throughput. Most people give up on building programs around the assumption that it can wake up at a too granular interval, unless you really have hard or soft realtime requirements. Like airplanes or medical or military equipment.