How to use numpy in optional typing


Confusingly, np.array is a function useful for creating numpy arrays. It isn't the actual type of the arrays created.

The type is np.ndarray.

So, replace np.array with np.ndarray. That should fix the problem.

Author by


Works with Clojure. Plays with F#, Idris, Prolog, Elixir, Python and C. Passionate about functional programming, and especially interested in dependently typed languages.

Updated on June 16, 2022


  • Michelrandahl
    Michelrandahl almost 2 years

    Lets say I want to make a function which takes a lambda function (Callable) as parameter where the lambda function takes a vector as input (defined as numpy array or numpy matrix) and returns a new vector. How do I declare the type signature for the Callable with numpy types?

    My initial attempt looks something like this:

    def some_func(calc_new_vector: Callable[[np.array], np.array], ...other-params...) -> SomeType: stuff...

    However, this results in an error when running the interpreter:

    TypeError: Callable[[arg, ...], result]: each arg must be a type. Got <built-in function array>.
  • Michelrandahl
    Michelrandahl over 8 years
    Thank you. I have recently resolved to using the built-in type(...) function to print the exact types of variables I am in doubt about.. Sometimes it requires a bit detective work when using libraries such as matplotlib, but at least it has helped me finding types so far so I can put them in my function declarations.