Huge size of the system32/config folder


According to some postings over on the Microsoft forums, should have resolved that bug and cleaned up the excess files... can you verify that you have that update or something that supersedes it?


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Lucas
    Lucas over 1 year

    My 128 GB SSD disk is running out of space, so I am looking for the multiple ways to save the disk space:

    • Disabled the hibernation,
    • Cleaned up the Windows backup-data,
    • Moved the swapfile to other disk

    I've downloaded the TreeSize Free app, and it has detected that the C:/Windows/System32/config folder is eating 68 192,0 MB(!) (contains 191525 files) which is obviously out of the standard behaviour.

    Is that a known issue? How can I fix the config folder size?

    I am using Windows 8.

    • Ramhound
      Ramhound over 9 years
      I personally would not touch this folder if you want a system that actually boots. I would run the Disk Clean-up tool. You can also disable the creation of System Restore points.
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound over 9 years
      You run a defragmentation routine on a SSD!!! Why would you do that? SSD storage is not only suppose to be fragmented it also not relevant.
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound over 9 years
      Worth a read if you have Nvidia hardware installed
    • Lucas
      Lucas over 9 years
      @Ramhound Not really on my SSD - Windows is automatically skipping the SSD defragmentation. Yeah, I have Nvidia hardware drivers installed.
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound over 9 years
      Are we talking about Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. Well the support article that was linked below seems to confirm your running Windows 8 and not Windows 8.1 you might consider upgrading to avoid problems like this.
  • Lucas
    Lucas over 9 years
    Thanks. I had the Windows Updates disabled for about 8 months... Didnt even noticed. I will install the update and will let you know about any progress!
  • Lucas
    Lucas over 9 years
    So I have just installed the KB2795944 update and nothing has changed. Unfortunately.