I can't figure out to start glassfish within netbeans


Solution 1

I've met the same problem as I was learning java web programming, but in windows env. I've spent much time guessing what that error could mean because the log file wasn't clearly saying that. Finally I found out that glassfish v3 was trying to run on 8080 port, which was already occupied by reportingservicesservice.exe which is sql server service. I didn't get to know how to switch the port used by glassfish, but I found that in netbeans 6.8 (which I use) in tools->servers I can add a new glassfish server instance which runs on a different, free port - that solved the problem :)

Solution 2

I just had the same problem, and it happened because of a version mismatch between the local server (Glassfish 4.1) and the remote (Glassfish 4.0).

Solution 3

Netbeans IDE X.X --> Tools --> Servers

Add Server --> Choose Server --> GlassFish 3.X

then click (next) browse installation location click (next)

select (register local domain) domain name : domain 2

click on finish button

Solution 4

My problem was with the port 8080, when I type http://localhost:8080, I found that oracle 10g was using it first before I install netbeans 6.8 with glassfish, I deleted oracle database 10g and, wich made the 8080 port free, and now everything is fine, it works.

Author by


please delete me

Updated on December 11, 2020


  • ajsie
    ajsie over 3 years

    When I click on Run it displays the following error message:

    Starting GlassFish v3 Domain
    GlassFish v3 Domain start failed.
    /Volumes/Private/noname/Sites/projects/java/MyFirstServlet/nbproject/build-impl.xml:602: Deployment error:
    GlassFish v3 Domain start failed.
    See the server log for details.
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 2 minutes 0 seconds)

    But then I fire up Terminal in mac and use asadmin start-domain and it starts.

    And in netbeans I then Run the project and it fires up Safari and displays the content.

    But why can't glassfish start in netbeans? Any idea?

    • Devanshu Mevada
      Devanshu Mevada over 14 years
      Please, provide the full error/trace, my crystal ball isn't working well those days.
    • Devanshu Mevada
      Devanshu Mevada over 14 years
      >> See the server log for details. << the content of this could be useful.
    • ajsie
      ajsie over 14 years
      if the file server.log is what they mean in the domain folder than i cant see anything regarding that issue.
    • Michael Bavin
      Michael Bavin over 14 years
      My server sometimes fails to start when another instance is already running... Re-start your IDE and kill all java tasks can help you.