I can't start spamassassin service


Run sudo netstat -lptn | grep 783 and get the PID (right most side of the output - some thing like 2332/spamd.pid ) of the program that uses 783 port. Then kill that program with sudo kill -9 PID. Then start the spamassasin

service spamassassin start

If you still get the INET6 socket error, try running spamd without IPv6 support (assuming you don't need it).

sudo nano /etc/default/spamassassin

Add -4 to your OPTIONS line

spamd --help

-4, --ipv4-only, --ipv4           Use IPv4 where applicable, disables IPv6

Otherwise, troubleshoot your IPv6 config.


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Computer programmer

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • A J
    A J almost 2 years

    I have installed and configured spammassassin in my system(14.04) using this tutor. When I start a service using,

    service spamassassin start

    am getting response as,

    Starting SpamAssassin Mail Filter Daemon: server socket setup failed, retry 1: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on [::1]:783: Cannot assign requested address
    server socket setup failed, retry 2: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
    server socket setup failed, retry 3: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
    server socket setup failed, retry 4: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
    server socket setup failed, retry 5: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
    server socket setup failed, retry 6: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
    server socket setup failed, retry 7: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
    server socket setup failed, retry 8: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
    server socket setup failed, retry 9: spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use
    spamd: could not create IO::Socket::INET6 socket on []:783: Address already in use

    I have tried,

    netstat -lptn

    it's showing,

    enter image description here

    there is process running with

    also tried,

    sudo netstat -lepnt

    am getting,

    enter image description here

    here too not showing any process run with

    Please tell me where the problem cause ?

    • Jos
      Jos about 10 years
      See answer below, but you should probably do sudo service spamassassin start.
    • Jos
      Jos about 10 years
      Is there anything useful in /var/log/spamassassin?
    • A J
      A J about 10 years
      @Jos nothing shown there...
    • Jos
      Jos about 10 years
      At this point, it would be more or less guessing what is wrong. Did you follow all the steps from this article carefully? Or something like it?
    • A J
      A J about 10 years
      @Jos I followed this blog
    • user3594191
      user3594191 about 10 years
      I have IPv6 disabled via sysctl.conf so why the INET6 error? "sudo netstat -lptn | grep 783" returns nothing.
    • Admin
      Admin about 10 years
      Aktive Internetverbindungen (Nur Server) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State User Inode PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 12469 1224/dnsmasq tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 14860089 4815/cupsd tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1000 21346 2337/dropbox tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 11297 554/smbd tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 11298 554/smbd tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 21466 2696/perl tcp6 0 0 :::3128 :::* LISTEN 0 14863578 1030/squid3 tcp6 0 0 :::445 :::* LISTEN 0 11295 554/smbd tcp6 0 0 :::139 :::* LISTEN 0
    • Admin
      Admin almost 10 years
      maybe you have deactivated ipv6, check with: ip addr show | grep inet6
    • A J
      A J almost 10 years
      @Philipp yes I have deactivated ipv6 for Hadoop, is that is a problem?
    • joseph_morris
      joseph_morris almost 10 years
      Run spamd in ipv4 only mode by adding "-4" to the OPTIONS="" string in /etc/default/spamassassin
  • A J
    A J about 10 years
    when i run, netstat -lptn | grep 783 there is no process showing...
  • Sergey Poskachey
    Sergey Poskachey about 10 years
    try it with sudo netstat
  • A J
    A J about 10 years & 631 are running..
  • A J
    A J about 10 years
    i tried both sudo netstat & netstat -lptn, 783 not showing..
  • Sergey Poskachey
    Sergey Poskachey about 10 years
    can you post the output of sudo netstat -lepnt
  • A J
    A J about 10 years
    I posted in my question...
  • Rob Cowell
    Rob Cowell about 10 years
    Anything useful from sudo ps -aux | grep spam ? - that should at least show any PIDs that relate to it
  • A J
    A J about 10 years
    @Rob Cowell, i got this o/p for 'sudo ps -aux | grep spam', 'arul 11798 0.0 0.0 15940 916 pts/0 S+ 09:43 0:00 grep --color=auto spam'
  • Sergey Poskachey
    Sergey Poskachey about 10 years
    @AJ it is the grep process. Try to restart the service service spamassassin restart.
  • A J
    A J about 10 years
    @Rob Cowell, am getting the same response when I start spamassassin..
  • Milan Simek
    Milan Simek over 6 years
    -4 did the trick!