iframe without an src attribute


Solution 1

Standard approach when creating an "empty" iframe (as an iframe shim, for example), is to set the src as javascript:false;. This is the method used by most of the JavaScript libraries that create iframe shims for you (e.g. YUI's Overlay).

Solution 2

Not sure if all browsers support "about:blank", so I'd just go with your own blank page then.

Another idea: Why not add the whole iframe using javascript instead of just the src?

Solution 3

What about


Solution 4

Re your comment clarifying that you're planning to use the iframe as the target for a form submission:

I would use an empty document on the server that sends back a 204 no content.

It avoids

  • "mixed content" warnings in IE and HTTPS mode
  • Unnecessary errors because a client doesn't understand the javascript: protocol
  • and other exotic shenanigans.

It's also valid HTML.

So what if it generates an extra request? Set the caching headers right, and there will be only one request for each client.

Solution 5

IE10 and FF (checked in v23 in Linux) will show 'false' as content.

javascript:void(0) && javascript:;:
IE will show 'cannot display the webpage' error in the iframe. Also, when setting the src from a valid url to javascript:void(0), the page will not get blank.

Works in all browsers but IE 9 sends an request to the server with path "null". Still the best bet IMO

Checkout http://jsfiddle.net/eybDj/1
Checkout http://jsfiddle.net/sv_in/gRU3V/ to see how iframe src changes on dynamic updation with JS


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Paul Tarjan
Author by

Paul Tarjan

I'm a Distinguished Engineer at Robinhood. I used to be the Tech Lead of Developer Productivity at Stripe where I built Sorbet. Before that I was the CTO and cofounder at Trimian. Before that I was a Software Engineer at Facebook on HHVM and the Open Graph. Before that I was the Tech Lead for Yahoo! SearchMonkey. See my homepage for more.

Updated on October 03, 2020


  • Paul Tarjan
    Paul Tarjan over 3 years

    I would like to create an <iframe> on the page, but then add the src later. If I make an iframe without an src attribute, then it loads the current page in some browsers. What is the correct value to set for the src so that it just loads a blank iframe?

    The answers I've seen are:

    • about:blank
    • javascript:false
    • javascript:void(0)
    • javascript:"";
    • url to a blank page

    Is there a clear winner? If not, what are the tradeoffs?

    I'd like to not have mixed content warnings for HTTPS urls, nor any back-button, history, or reload weirdness in all browsers from IE6 onward.

    • Pekka
      Pekka over 13 years
    • Ioannis Karadimas
      Ioannis Karadimas over 13 years
      You could create the iframe at the moment you have the src available, to avoid this issue. Would that work?
    • Paul Tarjan
      Paul Tarjan over 13 years
      That question was asking for prettier way to write "javascript:false". I don't care how ugly the line is, I want the functionality. And the accepted answer was a url to a blank page which pays an HTTP round-trip which seems worse than being able to avoid that.
    • Paul Tarjan
      Paul Tarjan over 13 years
      @Ioannis no, it is a long story, but assume I need the iframe on the page, then the url will be populated later.
  • Paul Tarjan
    Paul Tarjan over 13 years
    For your first answer, that pays an unnecessary HTTP round trip, which seems sub-optimal.
  • Pekka
    Pekka over 13 years
    @Paul but the second answer is spot on if you're planning to populate the iframe using js
  • Paul Tarjan
    Paul Tarjan over 13 years
    For your second answer, I'm populating the iframe with form submit. So I want the iframe on the page, and then the <form> sets the src.
  • Paul Tarjan
    Paul Tarjan over 13 years
    The empty document is a possibility but I would much prefer to avoid it if possible. One less thing to maintain. If the community can provide a solution that does everything the empty document does AND doesn't require the extra file, that is strictly better in my mind.
  • Ioannis Karadimas
    Ioannis Karadimas over 13 years
    Tested in IE7,8(+quirks mode), FF3.6, Opera 10.63, Safari 5, Chrome 7.0.x - About:blank presents the most consistent behavior.
  • Pekka
    Pekka over 13 years
    @Paul I agree, such a solution would be perfect. But I have seen this question a number of times on SO, and it never came up. The best there seems to be is about:blank which works in most browsers
  • Pekka
    Pekka over 13 years
    It's not part of a standard though so, like javascript:, you can't rely on every client interpreting it correctly
  • Paul Tarjan
    Paul Tarjan over 13 years
    Mostly good testing. Still missing IE 6, FF 3, Safari 4, Chrome 5 and Chrome 6. And could OS matter here?
  • Crescent Fresh
    Crescent Fresh over 13 years
    The OP has stated that the iframe must be created some time before its src will be known (see comment history to the question itself).
  • TRiG
    TRiG about 12 years
    Don't apologise for answering old questions.
  • Martijn Pieters
    Martijn Pieters over 11 years
    There will always be more dumb spiders, though.
  • Dan
    Dan over 11 years
    What about Konqueror, @IoannisKaradimas? My point is, if it's not in the standard, you can't assume that every user will see it correctly.
  • rgripper
    rgripper about 10 years
    Yes, in IE9-10 iframe writes text "javascript:false;". In this case it's better to check and use src="" if not IE or if IE > 9. For IE9 - well, bad luck. PS "javascript:'';" works everywhere but calls onload twice in some browsers.
  • Leigh  McCulloch
    Leigh McCulloch over 9 years
    This may work in all browsers but will break if a website does not allow inline javascript in their Content-Security-Policy header. Therefore please don't use this in scripts that you expect other parties to include in their sites.
  • Leigh  McCulloch
    Leigh McCulloch over 9 years
    This may work in all browsers but will break if a website does not allow inline javascript in their Content-Security-Policy header. Therefore please don't use this in scripts that you expect other parties to include in their sites.
  • siannopollo
    siannopollo over 9 years
    Adding the 204 status code will not trigger the onload event to be fired on the iframe in some browsers, so this may not be the best approach if someone is looking to hook into that event.
  • James Moberg
    James Moberg over 5 years
    I agree w/@LeighMcCulloch. I've enabled CSP and javascript:false is being reported as an unsafe script-src directive when using Facebook SDK. (I believe that about:blank may be the preferred method to use.)