IIS - can't access page by ip address instead of localhost


Solution 1

So I had this same problem with WSUS and it turned out that IIS 8.5 was not binding to my ipv4 ip address, but was binding to ipv6 address. when I accessed it via localhost:8580 it would translate it to the ipv6 localhost address, and thus would work. Accessing it via ip was a no go. I had to manually bind the address using netsh, then it worked right away. bloody annoying.


  1. Open command prompt as administrator
  2. Type the following:

netsh http add iplisten ipaddress (IPADDRESSOFYOURSERVER)

that's it. You should get:

IP address successfully added

I found the commands here https://serverfault.com/questions/123796/get-iis-7-5-to-listen-on-ipv6

Solution 2

Maybe it helps someone too:)

I'm not allowed to post images, so here goes extra link to my blog. Sorry.

IIS webpage by using IP address

In IIS Management : Choose Site, then Bindings.


  • Type : http
  • HostName : Empty
  • Port : 80
  • IP Address : Choose from drop-down menu the IP you need (usually there is only one IP)

Solution 3

The IIS is a multi web site server. The way is distinct the site is by the host header name. So you need to setup that on your web site.

Here is the steps that you need to follow:

How to configure multiple IIS websites to access using host headers?

In general, open your web site properties, locate the Ip Address and near its there is the advanced, "multiple identities for this web site". There you need ether to add all income to this site with a star: "*", ether place the names you like to work with.

Solution 4

In my case it was because I was using a port other than the default port 80. I was able to access the site locally using localhost but not on another machine using the IP address.

To solve the issue I had to add a firewall inbound rule to allow the port. enter image description here

Solution 5

Check the settings of the browser proxy . For me it helped , traffic was directed outside.

Author by


Full Stack Mobile Developer eager to learn new things. #iOS #Swift #Android #Kotlin

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • KlimczakM
    KlimczakM almost 2 years

    I'm trying to publish ClickOnce application and test it locally. I want to provide installation link so I need to update location with an IP address otherwise I won't be able to install it (because localhost is translated into computer name and it's not accessible). The problem is, that on my IIS I can access my page only by using localhost in the address.

    http://localhost:9995/publish/Publish.htm <-- working <-- not working (my IP address)
    http://my_pc_name:9995/publish/Publish.htm <-- not working <-- even that is not working

    I'm using Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2012 with IIS Express 8.0, but I tried the same on Visual Studio 2010 and it's ASP.NET server and still failed. I have my firewall turned off.

    Do you have any ideas what can be wrong?

  • SaidbakR
    SaidbakR over 8 years
    The correct command syntax netsh http add iplisten xxx.xxx.x.x Checkout this resource
  • Sruit A.Suk
    Sruit A.Suk almost 7 years
    It take me 2 hours to figure out this... thanks alot
  • miradham
    miradham over 6 years
    for windows 10 following format worked for me netsh http add iplisten=xxx.xxx.x.x
  • Talha Imam
    Talha Imam over 5 years
    For Windows Server 2012, you can enter * for both HostName and IP Address.
  • Richard Vanbergen
    Richard Vanbergen almost 5 years
  • devRyan
    devRyan over 4 years
    I believe that for that question asked, this is the most appropriate answer.
  • SPnL
    SPnL over 4 years
    Showing only one IP address but can I use my custom IP address?
  • Black
    Black over 4 years
    After following this tip, when I try to start IIS Express via my IDE, I get an error message "Unable to connect to web server 'IIS Express'"
  • Gojira
    Gojira over 4 years
    This was my problem. Even though I was using the only IP address the machine had, for some reason using both IP and host broke it. Entering a wildcard IP fixed it.
  • Frédéric Fect
    Frédéric Fect about 4 years
    netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=IPADDRESSOFYOURSERVER worked for me! Thanks
  • datchung
    datchung almost 4 years
    For Windows Server 2016, this command worked for me netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=x.x.x.x
  • maddy
    maddy over 3 years
    This fixed my issue.
  • VPetrovic
    VPetrovic over 2 years
    Thank you very much. This was the solution for my case where server needed to be accessed in local intranet. I had bindings for "localhost" as hostname, that was causing the problem. I changed it to empty hostname and specific local ipv4 address of server as you stated.