Illegal Configuration: Compiling IB documents for earlier than iOS 7 is no longer supported


Solution 1

XCode 9 will not support storyboards that are built for iOS version less than 7.

Try changing the Builds for in File Inspector to a higher version then Clean and Build.

See screenshot

enter image description here

Edit: Important info from @user435779 below: Restart XCode if the errors don't go away.

Solution 2

Simply set the deployment target to 8.0 + in General to fix this issue. No need to go through each xib file.

enter image description here

Solution 3

As storyboard in Xcode 9 will not support which is below iOS 7.0, so you need to update the iOS version in File inspector.

For more information please find the below GIF representation.

enter image description here

Hope it works!!!

Author by


Updated on June 13, 2020


  • Admin
    Admin about 4 years

    I recently updated to XCode 9. When I build the app it says "illegal configuration" for some storyboards in my pod files. I tried to recreate the storyboard files but it doesn't help.


  • Jacksonkr
    Jacksonkr almost 7 years
    I highly recommend setting Builds for to Deployment Target (v.m) (make sure your target is 7+)
  • user435779
    user435779 almost 7 years
    I found I also needed to close and restart XCode after doing the Clean. No idea why. ymmv
  • bogdan
    bogdan almost 7 years
    @user435779 You were right, restarting did the trick. Clean then restart. Also, it works if you actually open all your xib files, one by one, and setting the Deployment Target manually, if not already set. Then clean and restart.
  • Popmedic
    Popmedic over 6 years
    I had a bunch of xib files so changing each build for would have been a small challenge, but simply changing the Deployment Target worked fine for me. For laughs, it was set to 6.1! Lol.
  • n13
    n13 over 6 years
    I had a few random XIBs set to 7.x - no idea why. Thank you @user435779 - I needed to restart XCode to make it work. I'll add that to the main answer.
  • DJ Gruby
    DJ Gruby over 6 years
    I cannot find "File Inspector" anywhere in "Xcode 9". Could you please provide a larger screenshot showing how to get there?
  • Vinay Kumar
    Vinay Kumar over 6 years
    @DJGruby Please check this screenshot
  • itzo
    itzo over 6 years
    You set the target to 7.0, you would not have issues too! So if you want lower deployment target 7.0 is the lowest possible to avoid this Illegal Configuration issue.
  • Hahnemann
    Hahnemann over 6 years
    I recommend that you choose the deployment target iOS version.
  • Vineesh TP
    Vineesh TP over 6 years
    got error "This application does not support this device’s CPU type"
  • Soumen
    Soumen over 6 years
    Don't know why but always restart the XCode does the Job.!
  • Cerniuk
    Cerniuk about 6 years
    Even though the Deployment Target is set under General, the xib files can independently have their File Inspector -> Interface Builder Document section set to a separate Builds for setting that does not follow the General setting. This is especially true when you are re-using "code" or xib files across projects or from open source.
  • KoreanXcodeWorker
    KoreanXcodeWorker about 6 years
    Excuse me, Can I know how you made or what stuff you used for that GIF animation in your MacOS?
  • Ramkrishna Sharma
    Ramkrishna Sharma over 5 years
    Download the "Giphy Capture" software from the AppStore.
  • Andrew Ebling
    Andrew Ebling over 2 years
    Thank you - I needed to open an old project and Xcode was beach-balling as soon as I tried to open the Storyboard to change the deployment target. Changing the Deployment Target for the whole project was the best solution for me.