Import arbitrary python source file. (Python 3.3+)


Solution 1

Found a solution from importlib test code.

Using importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader:

>>> import importlib.machinery
>>> loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('a_b', '/tmp/a-b.txt')
>>> mod = loader.load_module()
>>> mod
<module 'a_b' from '/tmp/a-b.txt'>

NOTE: only works in Python 3.3+.

UPDATE Loader.load_module is deprecated since Python 3.4. Use Loader.exec_module instead:

>>> import types
>>> import importlib.machinery
>>> loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('a_b', '/tmp/a-b.txt')
>>> mod = types.ModuleType(
>>> loader.exec_module(mod)
>>> mod
<module 'a_b'>

>>> import importlib.machinery
>>> import importlib.util
>>> loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('a_b', '/tmp/a-b.txt')
>>> spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(, loader)
>>> mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
>>> loader.exec_module(mod)
>>> mod
<module 'a_b' from '/tmp/a-b.txt'>

Solution 2

Updated for Python >= 3.8:

Short version:

>>> #
>>> import importlib.util, sys
>>> spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(modname, fname)
>>> module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
>>> sys.modules[modname] = module
>>> spec.loader.exec_module(module)

Full version:

>>> import importlib.util
>>> import sys
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
...     import types
>>> def import_source_file(fname: str | Path, modname: str) -> "types.ModuleType":
...     """
...     Import a Python source file and return the loaded module.

...     Args:
...         fname: The full path to the source file.  It may container characters like `.`
...             or `-`.
...         modname: The name for the loaded module.  It may contain `.` and even characters
...             that would normally not be allowed (e.g., `-`).
...     Return:
...         The imported module

...     Raises:
...         ImportError: If the file cannot be imported (e.g, if it's not a `.py` file or if
...             it does not exist).
...         Exception: Any exception that is raised while executing the module (e.g.,
...             :exc:`SyntaxError).  These are errors made by the author of the module!
...     """
...     #
...     spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(modname, fname)
...     if spec is None:
...         raise ImportError(f"Could not load spec for module '{modname}' at: {fname}")
...     module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
...     sys.modules[modname] = module
...     try:
...         spec.loader.exec_module(module)
...     except FileNotFoundError as e:
...         raise ImportError(f"{e.strerror}: {fname}") from e
...     return module
>>> import_source_file(Path("/tmp/"), "my_mod")
<module 'my_mod' from '/tmp/'>

Original answer for Python 3.5 and 3.6

Shorter version of @falsetru 's solution:

>>> import importlib.util
>>> spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('a_b', '/tmp/')
>>> mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
>>> spec.loader.exec_module(mod)
>>> mod
<module 'a_b' from '/tmp/a-b.txt'>

I tested it with Python 3.5 and 3.6.

According to the comments, it does not work with arbitrary file extensions.

Solution 3

Similar to @falsetru but for Python 3.5+ and accounting for what the importlib doc states on using importlib.util.module_from_spec over types.ModuleType:

This function [importlib.util.module_from_spec] is preferred over using types.ModuleType to create a new module as spec is used to set as many import-controlled attributes on the module as possible.

We are able to import any file with importlib alone by modifying the importlib.machinery.SOURCE_SUFFIXES list.

import importlib

importlib.machinery.SOURCE_SUFFIXES.append('') # empty string to allow any file
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, file_path)
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
# if desired: importlib.machinery.SOURCE_SUFFIXES.pop()

Solution 4

importlib helper function

Here is a convenient, ready-to-use helper to replace imp, with an example. The technique is the same as that of , this is just providing a more convenient function.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import importlib

def import_path(path):
    module_name = os.path.basename(path).replace('-', '_')
    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(
        importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(module_name, path)
    module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
    sys.modules[module_name] = module
    return module

notmain = import_path('not-main')


x = 1




<module 'not_main' from 'not-main'>

I replace - with _ because my importable Python executables without extension have hyphens as in my-cmd. This is not mandatory, but produces better module names like my_cmd.

This pattern is also mentioned in the docs at:

I ended up moving to it because after updating to Python 3.7, import imp prints:

DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib; see the module's documentation for alternative uses

and I don't know how to turn that off, this was asked at:

Tested in Python 3.7.3.

Solution 5

after many failure solutions this one works for me

def _import(func,*args):
    import os
    from importlib import util
    module_name = "my_module"
    BASE_DIR = "wanted module directory path"
    path =  os.path.join(BASE_DIR,module_name)
    spec = util.spec_from_file_location(func, path)
    mod = util.module_from_spec(spec)
    return getattr(mod,func)(*args)

and to call it just write the function name and it's parameters _import("function",*args)


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May all beings be happy and well!

Updated on March 19, 2022


  • falsetru
    falsetru about 2 years

    How can I import an arbitrary python source file (whose filename could contain any characters, and does not always ends with .py) in Python 3.3+?

    I used imp.load_module as follows:

    >>> import imp
    >>> path = '/tmp/a-b.txt'
    >>> with open(path, 'U') as f:
    ...     mod = imp.load_module('a_b', f, path, ('.py', 'U', imp.PY_SOURCE))
    >>> mod
    <module 'a_b' from '/tmp/a-b.txt'>

    It still works in Python 3.3, but according to imp.load_module documentation, it is deprecated:

    Deprecated since version 3.3: Unneeded as loaders should be used to load modules and find_module() is deprecated.

    and imp module documentation recommends to use importlib:

    Note New programs should use importlib rather than this module.

    What is the proper way to load an arbitrary python source file in Python 3.3+ without using the deprecated imp.load_module function?

    • Brett Cannon
      Brett Cannon about 10 years
      Can I ask why you are doing this? I'm the maintainer of importlib and I have been trying to get answers from folks as to why they use imp.load_module() over a straight import statement. Do you expect to import the module by name later (e.g. import a_b)? Do you care that any custom importers won't be used in this approach? Do you expect the module to be full-featured (e.g. define __name__ and __loader__)?
    • falsetru
      falsetru about 10 years
      @BrettCannon, A third-party program regularly (once a hour) modify a text file that contains python statements (mainly THIS='blah' like lines). The name of the file is not ended with .py. My program read that file.
    • falsetru
      falsetru about 10 years
      @BrettCannon, I'm not aware of custom importers. I don't care the module to be full-featured.
    • Brett Cannon
      Brett Cannon about 10 years
      IOW using Python as a really simple data structure format. Thanks for the info!
    • falsetru
      falsetru almost 10 years
      @downvoter, Could you explain why?
    • Andrew Miner
      Andrew Miner over 6 years
      @BrettCannon — I just ran into a case where I needed to import some Python code from within a directory which was named as a version number (e.g., "v1.0.2"). While possible, it would be highly undesirable to rename the directory. I wound up using stefan-scherfke's solution below.
    • Ciro Santilli
      Ciro Santilli about 5 years
    • Brad
      Brad over 4 years
      @BrettCannon: Enaml is a use-case where one needs to use a different extension (in this case, *.enaml). Enaml is a superset of Python that allows for declarative markup (useful for creating responsive GUIs). Enaml runs with Python and has it's own import hooks (e.g., enaml.import_hooks) to allow for loading Enaml files in Python programs. Importing Enaml files typically requires doing so within an Enaml context manager (e.g., with enaml.imports(): import ...). However, sometimes we want to use importlib to load from an arbitrary Enaml source file.
    • Ciro Santilli
      Ciro Santilli over 3 years
      Does this answer your question? Import a python module without the .py extension
    • falsetru
      falsetru over 3 years
      @CiroSantilli郝海东冠状病六四事件法轮功, Answers there mostly focused on python 2.x solution (imp), but I wanted solution that works Python 3.3+. Answers there that solve my question come after my own answer. (2013 vs 2016,2017,2019) This one answered my question.
    • Ciro Santilli
      Ciro Santilli over 3 years
      It's true, retracted.
  • falsetru
    falsetru over 10 years
    Downvoter: How can I improve the answer? If you have a better way to accomplish what I want, please let me know.
  • Eryk Sun
    Eryk Sun over 10 years
    There's a helpful warning that load_module ignores via warnings.catch_warnings. If you instead use mod = imp.load_source('a_b', '/tmp/a-b.txt'), it raises the following warning (use -Wall): DeprecationWarning: imp.load_source() is deprecated; use importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(name, pathname).load_module() instead.
  • falsetru
    falsetru over 10 years
    @eryksun, You're right. Thank you for the comment. BTW, Python 3.4(rc1) does not display the alternative usage unlike Python 3.3.x.
  • falsetru
    falsetru over 7 years
    importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(..) returns None for me; causing an exception for the following importlib.util.module_from_spec(..) call. (See
  • falsetru
    falsetru over 7 years
    importlib.util.spec_from_file_location works for known file name extensions (.py, .so, ..), but not for others (.txt...)
  • Stefan Scherfke
    Stefan Scherfke over 7 years
    Oh, I’m using it only with Python files but modified my example to look like the one above and did not test it … I updated it.
  • Matthew D. Scholefield
    Matthew D. Scholefield about 6 years
    What's the difference between the first and the second example at the bottom?
  • falsetru
    falsetru about 6 years
    @MatthewD.Scholefield ways to get module objects are different. Using Module type directly or using utility.
  • mxxk
    mxxk almost 6 years
    Interestingly enough, while this hack of appending the empty string to the list of source suffixes works great for importing renamed Python source modules, the equivalent for importing renamed extension modules does not work... That is, using importlib.machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES.append('') still makes importlib.util.spec_from_file_location return None.
  • mxxk
    mxxk almost 6 years
    @falsetru - great work. Would be good to add that SourceFileLoader only understands pure Python source modules. For loading extension modules (.so / .dll files) with an arbitrary suffix, the sibling class ExtensionFileLoader is the way to go :)
  • Alex Walczak
    Alex Walczak over 5 years
    presumably, importlib.util.spec_from_file_location should still work with extensions if you specify a loader
  • e-info128
    e-info128 over 5 years
    Howto pass arguments in module constructor?
  • falsetru
    falsetru over 5 years
    @e-info128 What is module constructor?
  • ihavenoidea
    ihavenoidea over 3 years
    @falsetru I know this deviates a little from OP's question but, what if I have a (for example) class implementation that is held inside a string instead of in a file. Ex: my_class = """class Test: def __init__(self): self.x = 5 def print_number(self): print(self.x)""" Is there a way to programmatically import this class inside the string to the namespace?
  • falsetru
    falsetru over 3 years
    @ihavenoidea, Please post a separated question, so that others can answer you, and other users can also read answers.
  • ihavenoidea
    ihavenoidea over 3 years
    @falsetru In fact I have here, no answer so far. I posted here in the comments because I bumped into your answer after posting my question. If you know how to do this, I'd appreciate it!
  • SurpriseDog
    SurpriseDog about 3 years
    I can't get this to load the source code from a class. Can you help me with my question here: ? Thanks
  • Jon
    Jon about 3 years
    @mxxk that's because, if you look at the source, it's only checking if the suffix is present for files named __init__
  • YoomarXD
    YoomarXD almost 3 years
    How do I pass all the constants, methods and classes from mod to the main scope? I tried from mod import * but obviously didn't work.
  • falsetru
    falsetru almost 3 years
    @YoomarXD, mod['name_you_want_access']
  • YoomarXD
    YoomarXD almost 3 years
    @falsetru I meant to pass mod.constant1, mod.method2, etc. to the global scope simulating the behavior of from foo import *. But nvm, already managed to archive it by: for key, val in [p for p in mod.__dict__.items() if not p[0].startswith('__')]: globals()[key] = val
  • falsetru
    falsetru almost 3 years
    @YoomarXD, globals().update({key: value for key, value in vars(mod).items() if not key.startswith('__')}), BTW, I don't recommend to pollute module namespace at runtime.