initState() method of first activity is not initializing after taking popback stack from the aother activity


Navigator.push returns a Future when the MaterialPageRoute passed into it is resolved. You could await that Future to know when some other view has popped back to it.


    (context) => NewView(),
).then((_) {
  // Call setState() here or handle this appropriately

So now when I am coming back to my Activity Class1 this method will help to take any action while comming back to screen by just using Navigator.pop(context),.

Kishan sharma
Author by

Kishan sharma

Updated on December 28, 2022


  • Kishan sharma
    Kishan sharma over 1 year

    I am working on flutter application where I am using 3 screens.

    MainActivity open to ActivityClass1 and ActivityClass1 will open ActivityClass2. Now when I am taking Navigator.pop(context), from ActivityClass2 it will shows ActivityClass1 from the stack. But this time I need to take initState() of ActivityClass1 as I need to refresh few data on ActivityClass1.

    Is there any way to call initState() of ActivityClass1 which also maintain my stack for MainActivity -> ActivityClass1? I have also tried for Navigator.of(context).pushAndRemoveUntil( instead of using Navigator.pop(context), on ActivityClass2 but this will clears my stack.

  • Kishan sharma
    Kishan sharma about 3 years
    I have tried the same solution but this can create a stack like MainActivity() -> Screen1 -> Screen1. So now when I press back from screen1 it will pop again to Screen1.
  • Kishan sharma
    Kishan sharma about 3 years
    If I will use the Navigator.push call again then this screen will also be added to my stack, so now if I'll press back this will show me like Screen1 -> Screen2 -> Screen1 -> MainActivity. Which is the wrong flow. I need something where it works as screen1 -> MainActivity in my stack after pressing back from screen2.
  • Tasnuva Tavasum oshin
    Tasnuva Tavasum oshin about 3 years
    Use pushReplacement