IntelliJ IDEA Plugin for BPMN designer


You don't need any third-party plug-ins, the bundled plug-in works just fine. We've recorded a screencast which shows how to use it:

Make sure you have at least 2016.3.x IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate version.

Kamil Banaszczyk
Author by

Kamil Banaszczyk

Java programmer who is always eager to learn new technologies, as well as eager to learn and help with best practices.

Updated on June 29, 2022


  • Kamil Banaszczyk
    Kamil Banaszczyk almost 2 years

    I've found this post about BPMN files designer, I tried to open designer window in every way, but i can only open diagram preview. Did anyone use jBPM plugin and can tell me how can I open designer window?


    For simplicity, i'm using this bpmn file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <definitions id="definitions"
      <process id="helloWorld">
        <startEvent id="start" />
        <sequenceFlow id="flow1" sourceRef="start" targetRef="script" />
        <scriptTask id="script" name="HelloWorld" scriptFormat="groovy">
            System.out.println("Hello world")
        <sequenceFlow id="flow2" sourceRef="script" targetRef="theEnd" />
        <endEvent id="theEnd" />

    It's from tutorial

  • Kamil Banaszczyk
    Kamil Banaszczyk about 7 years
    My problem is i did everything that you've included in screencast (thank you) but still I don't see the designer tab, I only see text xml and i can generate diagram, but can't open designer. See edited post
  • Kamil Banaszczyk
    Kamil Banaszczyk about 7 years
    v. 2016.1.2 built on April 29, 2016
  • CrazyCoder
    CrazyCoder about 7 years
    You need at least 2016.3 version, the screencast is from 2017 version.
  • Kamil Banaszczyk
    Kamil Banaszczyk about 7 years
    OK, thank you, unfortunetely my company have this as the latest version :) you can add this explanation to answer for future
  • Sathiesh
    Sathiesh over 4 years
    This doesn't work with the latest version of intelliJ. Is there any support or alternate options for this plugin ?
  • CrazyCoder
    CrazyCoder over 4 years
    @Sathiesh please report a bug with more details.
  • Divas
    Divas almost 3 years
    I am using 2021.1 , the designer tab is visible after installing the plugin, however when I navigate to the designer tab, a notification pops up: "generating Designer component" and after that Intellij just hangs and doesn't respond. I tried increasing memory etc, nothing is working to my disappointment.