Intellij IDEA show javadoc automatically


Solution 1

Settings | Editor | General |Code Completion | Autopopup documentation in (ms).

Settings screenshot

UPDATE: latest versions have an option to show JavaDoc on mouse move.

Solution 2

Show Javadoc in IntelliJ IDEA 14:

  • When you write code:

    File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Code Completion -> Autopopup documentation in (ms)

It's only available when you press CTRL+SPACE It's more usable if you select the pin icon when it popups. The documentation window will be added to the tabs on the right. Later on I recommend to resize the window and to uncheck the Pinned property.

  • On mouse hover:

    File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Show quick documentation on mouse move

Solution 3

File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code completion.

Check Autopopup documentation in (ms) and choose delay.

Author by


Updated on February 26, 2020


  • kamaci
    kamaci over 4 years

    When I am coding at Netbeans it autocompletes the code and show Javadocs. However when I am using Intellij IDEA if I click Ctrl+Space I can see the auto-complete and if I click Ctrl+Q I can see the javadoc seperately.

    Is it possible to see the Javadoc of element whenever I see auto-complete or click Ctrl+Space at Intellij IDEA as like Netbeans?

  • kamaci
    kamaci over 12 years
    It's OK. When I click ctrl + space it shows both code completion and javadoc. However when I don't click ctrl + space it autocomplets but doesn't show javadoc?
  • CrazyCoder
    CrazyCoder over 12 years
    Yes, this behavior is by design, when automatic completion is invoked, JavaDoc is not shown.
  • kamaci
    kamaci over 12 years
    It would be nice if it was possible to see both javadoc and code completion, thanks.
  • kamaci
    kamaci over 12 years
  • Guillaume Husta
    Guillaume Husta about 10 years
    @kamaci : it works also without code completion, on mouse over : see (show quick doc on mouse move)
  • smac89
    smac89 over 9 years
    The idea of pinning it to the side of the window is very useful
  • mcont
    mcont over 3 years
    Still accurate ten years later, if someone's wondering.