Intellisense in IntelliJ no longer working


Solution 1

Check to see if you accidentally turned on Power Save (File/Power Save Mode) I myself just discovered that File/Power Save Mode does turn it off. I was having the same problem and must have accidentally set Power Save Mode to on.

Solution 2

For me it was because I did not have a folder marked as Source Root (it appears in blue).

To fix, right click your root source directory -> Mark As -> Source Root.

Solution 3

File -> Settings-> Editor-> General -> Code Completion-> Auto pop up code Completion

Solution 4

If other options mentioned is already true for you,try Setting up Sources/Test folder as Sources Root/Test Sources root as it did the trick for me. I had forgot it.

Right click on folder, choose "Mark Directory as" Test Sources or Sources Root, or whatever applicable. :)

Solution 5

I'm using Mac and when I upgraded to Big Sur my intellisense stopped working.

This is due Big Sur has a shortcut for Input Source. By disabling Mac shortcut, will make Intellisense work again.

You can see the option to disable in mac: enter image description here

Author by



Updated on October 18, 2021


  • earthling
    earthling over 2 years

    I'm currently running IntelliJ IDEA 13.1. While running IntelliJ 13 intellisense/autocomplete stopped working. I tried upgrading and it still doesn't work.

    I can explicitly invoke code completion using ctrl+space. I looked in Settings->Editor->Code Completion and nothing looks out of place. Is there somewhere else that turns this feature on/off?

  • earthling
    earthling over 10 years
    Thanks!! File/Power Save Mode was turned on somehow. I unchecked this and all the wonderful features of working in an IDE returned.
  • quezak
    quezak over 7 years
    This helped in my case! For some reason IntelliJ didn't even offer completion for the standard library classes before I did that.
  • Li3ro
    Li3ro almost 6 years
    In my case, It was blue(!) and still showed lots or red lines in my perfect code. To fix, I had to unmark and then mark- fixed it ;)
  • user1769790
    user1769790 over 5 years
    I had it blue though but i marked it as Sources Root and it worked. Thanks!
  • ermish
    ermish over 5 years
    This also helped me fix my tests!
  • s1n7ax
    s1n7ax over 5 years
    I added _ideavimrc took from github. It's key binds has overridden in my case.
  • AnkitG
    AnkitG about 5 years
    you are a savior!
  • BigRedBettaFish
    BigRedBettaFish about 4 years
    I was using the JDK that came with intellij. Once I switched to another JDK, like openJdk, autocompletion started working again.
  • ifnotak
    ifnotak about 4 years
    @s1n7ax it was exactly this in my case. I added another answer for that! Thanks!
  • tugceaktepe
    tugceaktepe over 2 years
    You saved my date!