iOS 11 navigationItem.titleView Width Not Set


Solution 1

I figured it out. I had to override the intrinsicContentSize getter for the view, and the text field.

I set the width to CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude so it'll always be as wide as the screen.


Since I've spent couple of hours on this issue, hope that some else will catch up faster by having all things tight up together

I've created a custom sub class of TitleView, called CustomTitleView, here's the code:

import UIKit

class CustomTitleView: UIView {

  override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
    return UIView.layoutFittingExpandedSize

and the most important part which I missed from the start was this:

enter image description here

Solution 2

Using @falkon's answer here's the code:

Add this code to the view that is used as titleView

override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
    return UILayoutFittingExpandedSize

Solution 3

Fixed it by creating a subclass of UIView and assigned it to a title view of UINavigationController


#import "FLWCustomTitleView.h"

@implementation FLWCustomTitleView

- (CGSize )intrinsicContentSize {
  return UILayoutFittingExpandedSize;


enter image description here enter image description here

Solution 4

setting intrinsicContentSize to UILayoutFittingExpandedSize works fine as well

Solution 5

I had to fit an UIImageView as navigationItem.titleView. The aspect ratio did fit but the intrinsicContentSize made it to large. Scaling the image led to poor image quality. Setting layout anchors worked for me:

UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 80, 30)];
[imageView setImage:image];
[imageView.widthAnchor constraintEqualToConstant:80].active = YES;
[imageView.heightAnchor constraintEqualToConstant:30].active = YES;
[imageView setContentMode:UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit];
self.navigationItem.titleView = imageView;
Author by


Updated on July 05, 2022


  • gngrwzrd
    gngrwzrd almost 2 years

    Seeing a behavior on iOS11 with a navigationItem.titleView where the width of the titleView is not the full width of the screen.

    I have a custom view that I set as the titleView. Previous to iOS11 the view would fill the navigation bar area. But iOS 11 it is not resizing to fill the width of the screen.

    I've tried setting the frame of the view before setting titleView but no luck. I've tried to force the titleViews superview to layout constraints as well but no luck.

    Screenshots attached:


    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    Anyone else experience this?

  • mangerlahn
    mangerlahn almost 7 years
    As an explanation: the titleView is now laid out with Auto Layout. Since it looks for the intrinsicContentSize, this is what worked.
  • Arco
    Arco almost 7 years
    Can be the title view showed below the large title view? I assigned a segmentedControl for title view, and it always showed upon the large title.
  • el.severo
    el.severo over 6 years
    @Arco: Have you solved your issue? I have the same issue with UISegmentedControl placed inside TitleView and the touch doesn't responds, re-attached & subclassed the UIView class of the TitleView which overrides the intrinsicContentSize property as João Nunes mentioned in below answer.
  • Arco
    Arco over 6 years
    @el.severo I don't solve my question because I think there is no public api for us to assign a custom view on large title view place. Maybe you can see the navigation bar subviews structure and try to use Objective-C runtime to solve your problem.
  • el.severo
    el.severo over 6 years
    @Arco: Thanks but I've managed to solve it, I just edited this answer and provided extra info, hope some else will benefit from it.
  • Paulo Sigales
    Paulo Sigales over 6 years
    Do you know why need be less then 44? I try bigger without success.
  • Lumialxk
    Lumialxk over 6 years
    Fixed, but sometimes title view will move under status bar after wield animation.
  • RealNmae
    RealNmae over 6 years
    The problem is that it also pushes away from the screen left and right nav buttons
  • rafalkitta
    rafalkitta over 6 years
    I had to also add translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false to that view.
  • Naman Vaishnav
    Naman Vaishnav almost 6 years
    imageView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 100, 150, 27); is it possible to change Y in its frame ?
  • Mutawe
    Mutawe almost 6 years
    You can put the UIImageView inside a UIView and change the UIImageView frame
  • Yaroslav Dukal
    Yaroslav Dukal over 5 years
    how did you add a custom view there ?
  • Michael McKenna
    Michael McKenna about 5 years
    How/where did you set the width? By resetting the frame?
  • iOS Blacksmith
    iOS Blacksmith over 3 years
    Interesting. It works! 👍 I was trying to include a "spacer" view as the last arranged subview that would have a width constraint to CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude and the stackview distribution as .fill in order to fill up any remaining space. In my case it stopped working when there were more than 1 right bar button items.
  • Keyhan Kamangar
    Keyhan Kamangar over 3 years
    Man you saved my life!!!. This solution works perfectly on iOS 14 as well.