Is it possible to change the serial number of a VM in VMware Fusion?


Yes you can change this by changing the BIOS UUID in the VM configuration. Follow these steps:

  1. Shutdown the VM and close VMware Fusion
  2. Locate the .vmwarevm directory of your VM, normally Documents/Virtual Machines.localized
  3. Open the vmwarevm directory, and then open the .vmx file inside of it
  4. Locate the uuid.bios entry and modify it as appropriate
  5. Startup Fusion and your VM.

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • loo3y35
    loo3y35 almost 2 years

    I need to change the system Serial Number

    it's shown in the output of

    dmidecode -t system

    Please note that I'm running RedHat in a virtual machine in VMware Fusion

    Is it possible to do it?

    • Alex Stragies
      Alex Stragies almost 8 years
      KVM/qemu can do this since many years, so I would be surprised if VMWare can't do it. But somebody else will have to dig up the specifics.