Is it possible to read the clipboard in Firefox, Safari and Chrome using JavaScript?


Solution 1

Safari supports reading the clipboard during onpaste events:


You want to do something like:

someDomNode.onpaste = function(e) {
    var paste = e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.getData ?
        e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain') :                // Standard
        window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.getData ?
        window.clipboardData.getData('Text') :                 // MS
    if(paste) {
        // ...

Solution 2

Online Spreadsheets hook Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V events and transfer focus to a hidden TextArea control and either set it contents to desired new clipboard contents for copy or read its contents after the event had finished for paste.

Solution 3

NO. And if you do find a hack (e.g. old version of flash) do not depend on it.

Can I ask why you want to read from the clipboard? If the user wants to pass along the clipboard contents, all they need to do is paste.

Solution 4

I believe people use a hidden Flash element to read the clipboard data from the browsers you mentioned.

Solution 5

Using @agsamek suggestion I created a little test snipped and got it to work. In my case I need to wait after a fresh pageload for pasted input, so I focus on an out-of-view textarea and read the text from there.

You could extend this to listen to specific keys (paste combination) and then focus on the hidden field. There would definitely more work to be done as I think you need to re-focus then on the last focused element and paste content there.

For my use-case though this was enough to make it work in latest Chrome and Firefox. Suggestions welcome.

$(function () {

    $('body').prepend('<input type="text" id="hidden_textbox" style="position: absolute; width:0px; height: 0px; top: -100px; left: -100px">');

    var $hiddenTextbox = $('#hidden_textbox');

    $(document).on('paste', function () {
        setTimeout(function () {
            var val = $hiddenTextbox.val();

            console.log('pasted: ' + val);

        }, 50);


Antonny Aguilar
Author by

Antonny Aguilar

Updated on August 17, 2021


  • Antonny Aguilar
    Antonny Aguilar almost 3 years

    I have a form with 2 nested forms for a Professional (certificates and trainings). Each one has the association accepts_nested_attributes_for in the Professional model. I can create a new professional with his certificates and training. When I save, however, instead of updating the certificates and trainings a new one is created.

    My Professional controller:

    def edit
      @professional = Professional.find(params[:id])
      @component = Component.all
      cert = Certificate.where('professional_id = ?', params[:id])
      cert.each do |certificate|
        @certificate = certificate
      tra = Training.where('professional_id = ?', params[:id])
      tra.each do |training|
        @training = training
      @work = Work.all
      @charge = Charge.all
      TypeEntity.where("id IN (1,5)").each do |tent|
        @entities << tent.entities
      @reg =
      @major = Major.all
      @action = 'edit'
      render layout: false
    def update
      profesional = Professional.find(params[:id])
      if profesional.update_attributes(professional_parameters)
        flash[:notice] = "Se ha actualizado correctamente los datos."
        redirect_to :action => :index
        profesional.errors.messages.each do |attribute, error|
          flash[:error] =  flash[:error].to_s + error.to_s + "  "
        # Load new()
        @profesional = profesional
        render :edit, layout: false
    def professional_parameters
        {:major_ids => []}, 
        certificates_attributes: [
          {:component_work_ids => []}, 
        trainings_attributes: [

    This are the models:

    class Certificate < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_one :charge
      belongs_to :professional
    class Professional < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_and_belongs_to_many :majors
      has_many :certificates
      has_many :trainings
      accepts_nested_attributes_for :certificates, :allow_destroy => true
      accepts_nested_attributes_for :trainings, :allow_destroy => true
    class Training < ActiveRecord::Base
      belongs_to :professional

    The form begins with this:

    =simple_form_for([:biddings, @professional], html: { multipart: true }) do |f|

    after that I have the 3 forms in a bootstrap wizard.

    • Bharath Mg
      Bharath Mg about 10 years
      Where is your Professional Model? Pls paste it
    • Kirti Thorat
      Kirti Thorat about 10 years
      Please share the edit view code in the question.
    • Kirti Thorat
      Kirti Thorat about 10 years
      Can you share the code for entire edit view along with the nested form details(if they are in separate partial). If you think that your question is getting lengthy then you may want to add the code in Github Gist.
    • Sean
      Sean about 9 years
      Did you figure this out? Im having the exact same issue, and its driving me nuts. After the form submits, it returns validation error, and creates a duplicate set of child records each time i do it.
    • Brian Ngeywo
      Brian Ngeywo almost 4 years
      am having the same problem, any solutions?
  • Kirti Thorat
    Kirti Thorat about 10 years
    Where do you see one-to-one association? Its one-to-many association look at the model Professional .