Webkit and Moz Transform, depending on browser

// Test element we apply both kinds of transforms to:
var testEl = document.createElement('div');
testEl.style.MozTransform = 'translate(100px) rotate(20deg)';
testEl.style.webkitTransform = 'translate(100px) rotate(20deg)';
var styleAttrLowercase = testEl.getAttribute('style').toLowerCase();

// when we check for existence of it in the style attribute;
// only valid ones will be there.
var hasMozTransform = styleAttrLowercase.indexOf('moz') !== -1;
var hasWebkitTransform = styleAttrLowercase.indexOf('webkit') !== -1;

Doing this you can now do:

var transformParts = [];

if (jj_input23 !== '') {
    transformParts.push('scale(' + jj_input23 + ')');

if (jj_input23 !== '') {
    transformParts.push('rotate(' + jj_input24 + 'deg)');
if (jj_input25 !== '' && jj_input26 !== '') {
    transformParts.push('translate(' + jj_input25 + 'px, ' + jj_input26 + 'px)');

if (jj_input27 !== '' && jj_input28 !== '') {
    transformParts.push('skewX(' + jj_input27 + 'deg) skewY(' + jj_input28 + 'deg)');
var transformTxt = transformParts.join(' ');

if (hasWebkitTransform) {    
    document.getElementById('jj_preview7').style.WebkitTransform = transformTxt;

if (hasMozTransform) {
    document.getElementById('jj_preview7').style.MozTransform = transformTxt;

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Author by


Front-end developer Joomla contributor

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Lodder
    Lodder about 2 years

    I have a bit of Javascript that detects the browser and applies a transform to an elements depending on the browser. The one for Webkit works fine on Chrome however the Firefox one doesn't. Can someone please tell me if my code below is correct:

    if(typeof navigator.vendor.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome')!=-1){    
        document.getElementById('jj_preview7').style.WebkitTransform = 'scale(' + jj_input23 + ') ' + 'rotate(' + jj_input24 + 'deg)' + 'translate(' + jj_input25 + 'px, ' + jj_input26 + 'px)' + 'skew(' + jj_input27 + 'deg, ' + jj_input28 + 'deg)';
    if(typeof navigator.vendor.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox')!=-1){
        document.getElementById('jj_preview7').style.MozTransform = 'scale(' + jj_input23 + ') ' + 'rotate(' + jj_input24 + 'deg)' + 'translate(' + jj_input25 + 'px, ' + jj_input26 + 'px)' + 'skew(' + jj_input27 + 'deg, ' + jj_input28 + 'deg)';

    Thanks in advance

    • xiaoyi
      xiaoyi about 12 years
      You don't have to test which the engine is. Just assign style to both of them, and browser will accept the one it supports, and ignores the other one.
  • artlung
    artlung about 12 years
    Working for me in Firefox 12.0 / Mac. It's not clear to me what your issue is, actually. Is it in the detection or in the application of the transform? There are two issues and "not working on Firefox" is not enough information for people to be helpful.
  • Lodder
    Lodder about 12 years
    It's the actual transform that doesnt work. Here is the link to my website. joomjunk.co.uk/extras/css3-generator.html#transform If you test the modules on the other tabs, they work, but the transform one doesn't.
  • artlung
    artlung about 12 years
    Ah, your question doesn't make that clear. To me the question reads like a detection problem, not a transform syntax problem.
  • Lodder
    Lodder about 12 years
    thanks for your input, works in Chrome but it still doesn't work in FireFox 13 stable or 14 beta
  • xiaoyi
    xiaoyi about 12 years
    What are the values you used to test?
  • Lodder
    Lodder about 12 years
    scale=2, rotate=22, translate=22 and 22, skew=22 and 22
  • Lodder
    Lodder about 12 years
    thanks so much!! just noticed your updated answer and tested it, thanks again ;)
  • xiaoyi
    xiaoyi about 12 years
    And it works on my Firefox 12. I believe its your own problem, use Error console(ctrl+shift+j) to see if there are warning of for assigning illegal value to -moz-transform. Also inspect 'preview' with firebug, to see if style.MozTransform has value.
  • Lodder
    Lodder about 12 years
    just noticed that the skew is the only part that doesn't work. do you know why?
  • artlung
    artlung about 12 years
    Looks like skew() should not be used. developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/transform#skew_Non-standard
  • artlung
    artlung about 12 years
    Updated my answer to use skewX and skewY instead.
  • Boris Zbarsky
    Boris Zbarsky about 12 years
    This code will break the moment the prefixed versions are dropped in favor of the unprefixed standard version....
  • artlung
    artlung about 12 years
    @BorisZbarsky thanks! The code correctly detects whether -moz-transform and/or -webkit-transform are available and apply. It will continue to do so. Detecting support for transform is not part of the OP's question, if you have a question like that feel free to ask!
  • Boris Zbarsky
    Boris Zbarsky about 12 years
    The "right" answer to the OP's question, imo, would be to provide code that works in all browsers. I don't need to be told how to do that, but the OP clearly does. (For example, the code given won't work in Opera or MSIE 10 either, even though both support transforms...)
  • artlung
    artlung about 12 years
    Good answers are about addressing what the OP asks. I answered to the best of my ability. I hereby stipulate that vendor CSS extensions & prefixes are a topic which has gotten plenty of discussion in the past few months; the OP should study this complex topic more before deploying anything claiming to be a robust solution. My understanding is the OP is experimenting with them, as we all are, and my answer addresses that. If you dislike my answer, edit it or downvote it or both. Or do what I do when I don't like an answer: contribute a different one.