Is there a simple library that will render JSON objects as trees?


Solution 1

check this too:

Solution 2

As this thread came up in response to a Google search, thought it might be worth adding in what I found (the other link no longer appears valid in this context, but I could have missed some functionality).

There are a few around, but I did not find one that provided it in a "graphical tree view", rather a simple "text tree view". There were titled as "beautifiers" or "easy read" JSON viewers.

I ended up using: jsonview by yesmeck

Nice and simple, and did the job first time.

Solution 3

use D3 it is very easy to load json data just something like this

         d3.json("flare.json", function(error, flare) {
              flare.x0 = 0;
               flare.y0 = 0
               update(root = flare);
Robert Gould
Author by

Robert Gould

Master Server Engineer & Game Developer, building MMOs, mobile games and social games for a few millions of users over the last few years. Currently working with Node.js, Actionscript, Redis, and other fun stuff. Specialist in programming languages, scripting engines, analytics, concurrency, lock-free programming, networks, persistence and data-driven game development.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Robert Gould
    Robert Gould about 2 years

    So, is there a VERY simple library that will render JSON objects as trees? I know that this can be done in many ways (such as YUI), but for debug purposes I'd like to simply be able to view a JSON objects I receive from a server as a tree, nothing fancy (but collapsable tree's would be a bonus).

    The kind of solution I'm looking for would be something like:

    <script source="something.js"/>
       obj ={"hello":"world"}
    <div id="someid"/>

    Any ideas?

  • Bhargav Rao
    Bhargav Rao over 8 years
    Whilst this may theoretically answer the question, it would be preferable to include the essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for reference.
  • ADJenks
    ADJenks about 5 years
    This doesn't display anything. All it does is fetch a json file: