Is there a Visual Studio style tool/IDE?


Solution 1

I don't have much experience with it myself (I personally like to work in gedit), but for the sake of completeness we really should mention Anjuta Install anjuta. It is part of the GNOME project, and includes many of the features you are interested in.

  • Focus on C/C++, but extensible with plugins. Some support for Python and Vala.

  • Integrated Glade user interface designer.

  • Version control integration with at least Git, CVS, and Subversion.

  • Project management and autotools support.

  • Integrated debugger including breakpoints, ect... Backed by gdb.

  • GTK+/GNOME Devhelp API help browser integration.

  • Valgrind plugin to profile programs for memory leaks.



Solution 2

In your comment you said you were more concerned about the "all in one" aspect, however if you want the best possible experience I think it's important to choose the right tool.

Qt Creator: A cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) tailored to the needs of Qt developers. (I would recommend this option if you plan to be programming in C++).

enter image description here

Eclipse: This is pretty much the de facto Java IDE.

enter image description here

Mono: MonoDevelop is an IDE primarily designed for C# and other .NET languages.

enter image description here

My personal "IDE" is Gedit. It is minimal (similar to Notepad++ on Windows), but it gets the job done. It also supports plugins which can basically make it a true IDE. It supports most languages including C/C++, Java, C#, Python, Ruby, PHP, HTML, etc.

enter image description here

If you're using KDE as your desktop enviroment and don't want to run Gedit, you could also try Kate.

enter image description here

Solution 3

I can't believe everyone's saying "use KDevelop" for C++.

In my experience, there is no better tool than Qt Creator.

It is:

  • Fast
  • Has a very flexible project manager
  • Can be used for any C++ project - even non-Qt ones
  • Has what I consider to be the best code-completion engine ever
  • Integrates very extensively with the Qt framework (which I really recommend)

Solution 4

It depends on the programming language:

Java, PHP, C/C++, ... : Eclipse, NetBeans

C#: MonoDevelop

Solution 5

Microsoft's Visual Studio Code is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with support for Mac, Linux and Windows.

Author by


Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Tim
    Tim over 1 year

    I have been developing in the windows space with Visual Studio for a while now with work, but I have also been using Ubuntu for a while and am keen to get into some software development for linux.

    I should also note. I am not looking for .NET and I am aware of mono. I am also familiar with c++ development and some python, so the language isn't so much relevant as the "all in one" aspect.

    I was interested to know if there is a useful all in one code/debug/design(gui) IDE similar to something like Visual Studio but for linux?

    • Tim
      Tim over 13 years
      I should also note. I am not looking for .NET and I am aware of mono. I am also familiar with c++ development and some python, so the language isn't so much relevant as the "all in one" aspect
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      You should edit this information into your original question.
    • David Foerster
      David Foerster over 9 years
      While IDEs are great at increasing software development productivity, I recommend that you educate yourself at least somewhat about more “traditional“, command-line based software development tools of the *nix world like gcc/g++, make, autoconf, etc., since a large share of *nix software projects rely on them and those fancy IDEs just provide a more convenient interface for them.
    • David Foerster
      David Foerster over 9 years
      I also think this question should probably be part of the community wiki.
    • Igor Nefedov
      Igor Nefedov over 9 years
      I know that it doesn't cover your question completely but there is an answer here as well:…
    • Shayne
      Shayne over 3 years
      For some reason this stack site doesnt let me answer questions. Check out Lazarus. Its a fairly complete Delphi like system (Mostly source compatible with a few wrinkles). Its been around for a long time, so its battle tested, and many delphi devs now think its better than the original. Its based on Pascal a language that offers similar advantages to C++ whilst being a much easier language to learn (It used to be the teaching language until Java knocked it off the top spot). Its got the same drag and drop UI builder and a huge library of components.
  • Tim
    Tim over 13 years
    I like eclipse and have used it a bit in the past. Is there a gui design aspect for gtk or qt?
  • Tim
    Tim over 13 years
    Thanks. I have looked at python and don't mind it that much. Its a bit of a change to the languages I am used to but that isn't really an issue. These are personal projects and no time frames mean I can afford to delve a bit deeper into a new language.
  • Tim
    Tim over 13 years
    I notice KDevelop mentioned a few times, I haven't tried it since KDE 4, is it worth trying over something like eclipse (cdt) or netbeans for example?
  • Nathan Osman
    Nathan Osman over 13 years
    Qt - that's the tool to use for C++.
  • Kredns
    Kredns over 13 years
    @Tim: I would highly recommend learning Python or Ruby. Not only is it fun, but it requires you to think differently then what you normally would. I didn't exactly understand lambda's until I used them in Python.
  • Tim
    Tim over 13 years
    Thanks Lucas, I have used Gedit for some simple c++ and do like that it is lightweight and still seems rather powerful. I also can appreciate the need for the 'right tool' rather than specifically 'all in one'. I am used to the ability to add breakpoints for debugging and that sort of thing so I am also looking for familiar surroundings to help me get started.
  • 3dinfluence
    3dinfluence over 13 years
    I'm not really a gui guy so I'm not sure what's available that integrates into eclipse for GUI design.
  • johnc
    johnc over 13 years
    It supports most languages including C/C++, Java, C#, Python, Ruby, PHP, HTML, etc. Nice :)
  • Skizz
    Skizz over 13 years
    I tried this and kdevelop and if I remember correctly, you couldn't undock the panels. Not being able to undock is a big issue as I like to have one of my monitors dedicated to just code, and all the other panels on my second monitor. I hate to say it, but DevStudio does this really well. On Ubuntu/Linux the closest I've found is Eclipse.
  • Nathan Osman
    Nathan Osman over 13 years
    @Skizz: I understand.
  • Skizz
    Skizz over 13 years
    Can those panels be undocked? Becuase that is really cluttered and the code window is really small. As I commented in another answer, I like lots of space for code, enough even to see two files simultaneously.
  • Ant's
    Ant's about 13 years
    So it mean that MonoDevelop is similar to Visual Studio?, because i have used VS for two years and recently changed to Ubuntu, so it will be good if MonoDevelop has similar icons and other stuffs as VS! Is it so?
  • user
    user about 13 years
    As novell is sold. I fear, what is the future of Mono project. Should it be maintained or abandoned
  • Bilal Akhtar
    Bilal Akhtar about 13 years
    @Anto: The similarities are very little, unfortunately. But I'm sure you'll be able to easily find your way around MonoDevelop equally easily :)
  • user
    user about 13 years
    @trampster: He wants to use .NET and it's IDE, obviously he has some projects in VS on windows. It may not be worth of voting up, but I don't see any reason voting it down.
  • trampster
    trampster about 13 years is a tool you can run over a .net application which will tell you about any problem you might have running it on mono.
  • Ant's
    Ant's about 13 years
    @Akhtar: oh that might be the problem!
  • Luís de Sousa
    Luís de Sousa about 10 years
    Just to stress that Gedit is really a strong contender here, especially for programmes with a limited number of files/packages. In terms of syntax highlighting the Oblivion scheme is the best ever conceived on any platform.
  • David Foerster
    David Foerster over 9 years
    JetBrains's whole range of language-specific IDEs is pretty good ihmo. I personally used IntelliJ, PyCharm, and RubyMine.
  • BrunoLM
    BrunoLM over 8 years
    Automated instalation steps on Linux: