Is there a way to fix Cluster-SSH windows positions automatically?


cssh is supposed to tile the windows automatically. Try adding the following to ~/.csshrc (the manpage contains all the options):

terminal_size = 80x24
console_position = +0+0
window_tiling = yes
always_tile = yes
Author by


Gamer, brony, developer, father, nocturnal, vampire, animaniac.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Metafaniel
    Metafaniel almost 2 years

    Have you used Cluster-SSH? It's a GUI (frontend) to secure shell (ssh) which function it's to let you write the very same commands to a lot of hosts. If you open a lot of hosts at the same time, cluster-ssh opens a window for each one of them. But these windows don't actually are perfectly ordered in the screen, I mean the same size and not overlapping. I always have to resize and move manually every windows to some kind of grid so I can see every terminal output at the same time.

    Is there a way to tell cluster-ssh to order the generated windows in the size/position needed in some kind of configuration file??? If so, HOW?

    I do this often with a lot of hosts, so I don't want to lose time arranging the windows as I need, I use Linux =) Thanks a lot =)

    EDIT: This is a complement of the answer with a helpful tip. Even with the correct answer, it wasn't so easy for me to align the windows just as I wanted =/ If you get an error as this one:

    $ cssh host1 host2
    Illegal division by zero at /usr/share/perl5/App/ line 1258, <CLUSTERS> line 3.

    Just change the value of terminal_size to something lower.

    Also at first I didn't notice any change at all in the size of the windows. I noticed that (al least in Ubuntu 11.04 + KDE environment) retiling the windows it's useless. In order to apply the resize, you must minimize all terminals and ten retile. That way the real size it's applied. I don't know why this behavior. A bug maybe?


  • Metafaniel
    Metafaniel about 12 years
    UPS! I did open the man but I didn't read that section THANKS =)
  • bobpaul
    bobpaul about 6 years
    I use XFCE4 with a panel at the top of the screen. To account for this, I needed the screen_reserve_top= option, otherwise the first row of terminals overlaps the 2nd row of terminals.
  • mveroone
    mveroone about 5 years
    Beware, console_position is only do move the position of the box where you type commands, not offsetting the terminals. (@bobpaul's suggestion helped me though)