issue regarding trailing commas in JavaScript


Solution 1

A trailing comma is a comma that follows the final element in an array or object literal. So like this:

['a', 'b', 'c',] // with trailing comma
['a', 'b', 'c']  // without trailing comma

In this case, the trailing comma follows the last element in your object literal:

color          : jqTextareaDiv.css("color"),

If you remove it, the expected behaviour will occur. With it there, IE<9 won't like it.

Solution 2

This is the trailing comma:

color          : jqTextareaDiv.css("color"), <<--

Solution 3

You have a trailing comma in color : jqTextareaDiv.css("color"),. That would be the first warning. The second warning is probably a similar definition somewhere else in your code.

Andrei Oniga
Author by

Andrei Oniga

Striving to become one of the best, one step at a time.

Updated on June 15, 2022


  • Andrei Oniga
    Andrei Oniga about 2 years

    Possible Duplicate:
    Internet Explorer, Closure Compiler and Trailing Commas

    I've tried compressing my javascript code using the Closure Compiler and the compilation of the code generated these two errors:

    JSC_TRAILING_COMMA: Parse error. IE8 (and below) will parse trailing commas in array and object literals incorrectly. If you are targeting newer versions of JS, set the appropriate language_in option. at line 379 character 0 fontFamily : jqTextareaDiv.css("font-family").replace(/["']{1}/gi,""),

    JSC_TRAILING_COMMA: Parse error. IE8 (and below) will parse trailing commas in array and object literals incorrectly. If you are targeting newer versions of JS, set the appropriate language_in option. at line 932 character 0 fontFamily : jqDiv.css("font-family"),

    These two errros seem to refer to this code:

    var jqTextareaDiv =,
                                style = {       // the current, relevant style rules for the DIV nesting the textarea
                                    fontFamily     : jqTextareaDiv.css("font-family").replace(/["']{1}/gi,""),
                                    fontSize       : jqTextareaDiv.css("font-size"),
                                    fontStyle      : jqTextareaDiv.css("font-style"),
                                    fontWeight     : jqTextareaDiv.css("font-weight"),
                                    textDecoration : jqTextareaDiv.css("text-decoration"),
                                    textAlign      : jqTextareaDiv.css("text-align"),
                                    color          : jqTextareaDiv.css("color"),
                                jqToolbox = $('#text-edit-toolbox'),
                                jqIndicators = {
                                    fontFamily                : $('#font-family-indicator'),
                                    fontSize                  : $('#font-size-indicator'),
                                    fontStyle                 : $('#font-format-indicators .font-style'),
                                    fontWeight                : $('#font-format-indicators .font-weight'),
                                    textDecorationUnderline   : $('#font-format-indicators .underline'),
                                    textDecorationLineThrough : $('#font-format-indicators .line-through'),
                                    textAlignLeft             : $('#text-alignment-indicators .align-left'),
                                    textAlignCenter           : $('#text-alignment-indicators .align-center'),
                                    textAlignRight            : $('#text-alignment-indicators .align-right'),
                                    textAlignJustify          : $('#text-alignment-indicators .align-justify')

    Exactly which is the trailing comma in this case and how can I remove it without breaking the code?