Issue updating Ruby on Mac with Xcode 4.3.1


Solution 1

Short answer is you can grab RVM master branch (not stable) to build it with LLVM (not gcc, I mistyped initially). It has appropriate patches to make 1.9.3-p125 to run (at least better) with Xcode 4.3.1 by default. I provided the patch. If you already installed RVM, rvm get head will install the master branch. With command line tools installed with Xcode 4.3.1, you can successfully install Ruby 1.9.3-p125.


It's happen due to a simple configuration issue of Ruby 1.9.3-p125, it don't allow dynamic link modules to work. This happens if you're using Xcode 4.3.x (Ruby Issue#6080).

This issue have fixed in change set r34840.

RVM has patch system which provides per-version basis. This patch is included in the RVM (master branch for now) and now default for p125 configuration steps.

Xcode 4.3.x Command Line Tool

First, With Xcode 4.3.x, you need to install command line tool AFTER installing Xcode 4.3.x, by following directions: 1) Launching Xcode, 2) Open “Preferences” from the “Xcode” item on the menu bar. 3) Select “Downloads” tab (icon). 4) Click “Install” button for “Command Line Tools” (directions borrowed from my friend's site here)

If Xcode 4.3.1 is correctly installed, then cc --version should emit:

% cc --version
Apple clang version 3.1 (tags/Apple/clang-318.0.54) (based on LLVM 3.1svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin11.3.0
Thread model: posix

autoconf and automake

You need autoconf and automake, since Xcode 4.3.x don't have them. Install them either brew or MacPorts. With MacPorts:

sudo port install autoconf automake

Recommended installation step with RVM

Then, To install specific branch of RVM, you can:

BRANCH=master # stable for the stable branch
curl -s${REPO}/rvm/${BRANCH}/binscripts/rvm-installer > /tmp/
bash /tmp/ --branch ${REPO}/${BRANCH}

Or if RVM is already installed:

rvm get head   # master branch, for stable branch "rvm get stable"

After that, install openssl, iconv and readline using rvm pkg command for best result. I do following lately. Part of this might need to be included to RVM..

rvm pkg install openssl
rvm pkg install readline # if you prefer GNU readline

Then, finally, install the Ruby.

rvm install 1.9.3-p125 --patch xcode-debugopt-fix-r34840.diff --with-readline-dir=$rvm_path/usr --with-openssl-dir=$rvm_path/usr --with-tcl-lib=/usr --with-tk-lib=/usr

rvm pkg's help recommend different parameter, the help is broken. So use above for now. You need tcl/tk parameters if you have them via MacPorts(like me)

By the way, It is possible to install old Xcode then run rvm with export CC="gcc-4.2" rvm install 1.9.3-p125, but I personally think clang (LLVM) is the way to go for future, if possible.

Hope this helps.

Additional note on 2012/3/31

iconv don't need to install, also added autoconf/automake requirements for clarifications.

Additional note on 2012/4/13

Latest stable does not include the patch require dynamic link to work by default. you need to add --patch xcode-debugopt-fix-r34840.diff when you build 1.9.3-p125.

Solution 2

As of RVM 1.10.2 all you need is to install the homebrew package apple-gcc42 and everything will "Just Work(TM)":

brew tap homebrew/dupes ; brew install apple-gcc42 ; rvm install ruby-1.9.2


[Updated based on comments below]

Solution 3

You just need to install gcc-4.2 in /usr/bin.

Here is the download .

And then CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 rvm install 1.8.7 --force

Solution 4

I think people are confused that everyone writes

rvm get head
rvm get stable

instead you should ONLY write

rvm get head

otherwise it will not work (since stable does not have the corresponding patches yet).

Solution 5

I also had an issue with ruby-1.9.3-p125, here is what I did, hope this can help someone down the line.

rvm install ruby-1.9.3-p194

and checked that the new ruby installed with

rvm list

ruby-1.9.2-p318 [ x86_64 ]
ruby-1.9.3-p125 [ x86_64 ] I want to remove this one
ruby-1.9.3-p194 [ x86_64 ] I want to use this one

I then removed the old ruby version

rvm remove ruby-1.9.3-p125

and set the new one ruby ruby-1.9.3-p194 for use and install gems

rvm use ruby-1.9.3-p194

bundle install

Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • xivo
    xivo about 2 years

    I'm using RVM to install it and it gives me this error:

    The provided compiler '/usr/bin/gcc' is LLVM based, it is not yet fully supported by ruby and gems, please read `rvm requirements`.

    I'm on Lion 10.7.3 and I have Xcode 4.3.1.

  • xivo
    xivo over 12 years
    I've tried installing p125, but I get this issue: Error running 'make ', please read /Users/****/.rvm/log/ruby-1.9.3-p125/make.log There has been an error while running make. Halting the installation.
  • xivo
    xivo over 12 years
    Yeah, I'm a little new, but I'm not quite sure what I am suppose to do here with that.
  • xivo
    xivo over 12 years
    This worked perfectly! Thanks a bunch! One thing to note for myself: remember to change default ruby! :)
  • xivo
    xivo over 12 years
    I actually tried this. The main issue was my XCode, but perhaps someone would find your answer helpful! Thanks :)
  • shigeya
    shigeya about 12 years
    You can install with above step, but some of dynamic link module does not work without applying post-p125 patch. See the reference in my answer.
  • ddd
    ddd about 12 years
    I really wish people would read our page where we describe the issue. Also wish people would understand that if we were JUST supporting the 1.9.x series we could eliminate quite a bit of the problem and confusion, but we support all the way back to 1.8.4 and we can NOT support those with Xcode 4.3.x due to the problems listed. OSX-gcc-installer is in fact our recommended chain as it uses gcc-4.2. shigeya has been informed of this in his pull request as well as other details he glossed over.
  • shigeya
    shigeya about 12 years
    Right. That's part of the issue. It's too complicate to support every version of ruby. I start thinking it is better to have document per version basis, on some web site, including discussions like
  • Joc
    Joc about 12 years
    Thank you Shigeya. This has been a great help.
  • danivovich
    danivovich almost 12 years
    Just wanted to add, apple-gcc42 is in the homebrew dupes repository, not in the standard homebrew install.
  • Hengjie
    Hengjie almost 12 years
    Correction: When you say "when you build 1.9.2-p125", I think you mean 1.9.3.
  • Hengjie
    Hengjie almost 12 years
    That basically means the command should be brew install‌​gcc42.rb Then run CC=/usr/local/Cellar/apple-gcc42/4.2.1-5666.3/bin/gcc-4.2 rvm install ruby-1.9.2-p320 where the CC flags contain the path to your compiler.
  • docwhat
    docwhat almost 12 years
    You don't need the CC line, since it works "automagically" in the latest RVM. I updated my answer to add the dupes stuff.