Jasmine toBeUndefined


Solution 1

The problem is that


fails before the call to Jasmine even happens. It's erroneous to refer to a variable that's not defined (in new browsers or in "strict" mode at least).

Try this setup instead:

it('should not be defined using .tobeUnefined()', function() {
    var obj = {};

In that code, there's a variable "obj" whose value is an empty object. It's OK in JavaScript to refer to a non-existent property of an object, and because such a reference results in undefined the test will pass. Another way to do it would be:

it('should not be defined using .tobeUnefined()', function() {
  var no_value;


Solution 2

Note that your error says that obj is not defined.

It does not say that obj is undefined.

undefined is actually a data type in Javascript.

Any declared variable without an assignment is given a value of undefined by default, but that variable must be declared.

So when Jasmine tests whether a value is undefined, it is determining if obj === undefined.

If you declare

var obj;

then obj will test as undefined.

If you do not declare obj, then there is nothing for the Jasmine matcher to compare against the data type of undefined.

Tom Doe
Author by

Tom Doe

Updated on October 14, 2022


  • Tom Doe
    Tom Doe over 1 year

    I'm new to Jasmine and assumed using the .not.toBeDefined() or .toBeUndefined() matches you could check if a variable is undefined:

    describe('toBeDefined', function() {
        it('should be defined', function() {
            var obj = {};
            expect(obj).toBeDefined(); // Passes
        it('should not be defined using .not.tobeDefined()', function() {
            //var obj = {};
            expect(obj).not.toBeDefined(); // Fails // ReferenceError: obj is not defined
        it('should not be defined using .tobeUnefined()', function() {
            //var obj = {};
            expect(obj).toBeUndefined(); // Fails // ReferenceError: obj is not defined

    I completely get that this would fail within the code, but I assumed using those matches, it wouldn't. Am I just using these wrong, or is it not possible to write a spec to check if something is undefined?