java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bad base-64


Solution 1

You are trying to decode 26.919047981500626 which you can't. Because it's not a valid base64 encoded string.

When put into this online base64 decoder, it gives this error:

The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or an illegal character among the padding characters.


If you want to know the valid formatting of a encoded base64 string, take a look at the table in the wikipedia article and also this answer which shows a base64 validator code in C#.

Solution 2

remove the prefix string " data:image/png;base64, ", get the string of after "data:image/png;base64,", it can decode

Alexandru Patriche
Author by

Alexandru Patriche

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Alexandru Patriche
    Alexandru Patriche almost 2 years

    I am trying to encode and decode a String using android.util.Base64, but it gives a bad base-64 error.

    The code with the problem is:

    private byte[] base64ToByte(String str) throws IOException {
        Log.i("encription", str);
        byte[] returnbyteArray = Base64.decode(str, Base64.URL_SAFE);
        return returnbyteArray;

    The error logcat is:

    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827): Process: com.example.maptest, PID: 29827
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bad base-64
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827):    at android.util.Base64.decode(
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827):    at android.util.Base64.decode(
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827):    at android.util.Base64.decode(
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827):    at
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827):    at
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827):    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827):    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827):    at
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827):    at$
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827):    at
    08-09 13:02:18.589: E/AndroidRuntime(29827):    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

    The input(the str String from the code) looks like this:

    08-09 13:02:18.539: I/encription(29827): 26.919047981500626

    It is a double converted to a string, using:


    The error is persistent with all encoding flags (DEFAULT, NO_WRAP, etc), any help would be apreciated, thank you.

  • Alexandru Patriche
    Alexandru Patriche almost 10 years
    Ok i see, but why is it not a valid Base64 string? and if not what can i use instead to fix this problem?
  • Mahm00d
    Mahm00d almost 10 years
    See my update. But I still don't understand what you're trying to achieve here... If you want a valid Base64-encoded string, just put an arbitrary string in this site to encode it for you.