JavaScript inheritance: Object.create vs new


Solution 1

In your question you have mentioned that Both examples seem to do the same thing, It's not true at all, because

Your first example

function SomeBaseClass(){...}
SomeBaseClass.prototype = {
    doThis : function(){...},
    doThat : function(){...}
function MyClass(){...}
MyClass.prototype = Object.create(SomeBaseClass.prototype);

In this example, you are just inheriting SomeBaseClass' prototype but what if you have a property in your SomeBaseClass like

function SomeBaseClass(){ 

and if you use it like

var obj=new MyClass();
console.log(obj.publicProperty); // undefined

The obj object won't have publicProperty property like in this example.

Your second example

MyClass.prototype = new SomeBaseClass();

It's executing the constructor function, making an instance of SomeBaseClass and inheriting the whole SomeBaseClass object. So, if you use

    var obj=new MyClass();
    console.log(obj.publicProperty); // SomeValue

In this case its publicProperty property is also available to the obj object like in this example.

Since the Object.create is not available in some old browsers, in that case you can use

        function F(){}
        return new F();

Above code just adds Object.create function if it's not available so you can use Object.create function and I think the code above describes what Object.create actually does. Hope it'll help in some way.

Solution 2

Both examples seem to do the same thing.

That's true in your case.

When would you chose one over the other?

When SomeBaseClass has a function body, this would get executed with the new keyword. This usually is not intended - you only want to set up the prototype chain. In some cases it even could cause serious issues because you actually instantiate an object, whose private-scoped variables are shared by all MyClass instances as they inherit the same privileged methods. Other side effects are imaginable.

So, you should generally prefer Object.create. Yet, it is not supported in some legacy browsers; which is the reason you see the new-approach much too frequent as it often does no (obvious) harm. Also have a look at this answer.

Solution 3

The difference becomes obvious if you use Object.create() as it is intended. Actually, it does entirely hideout the prototype word from your code, it'll do the job under the hood. Using Object.create(), we can go like

var base =  {
    doThis : function(){

    doThat : function(){

And then we can extend/inherit other objects from this

var myObject = Object.create( base );
// myObject will now link to "base" via the prototype chain internally

So this is another concept, a more "object oriented" way of inherting. There is no "constructor function" out of the box using Object.create() for instance. But of course you could just create and call a self defined constructor function within those objects.

One argument for using Object.create() is that it might look more natural to mix/*inherit* from other objects, than using Javascripts default way.

Author by


Sydney based full stack software developer

Updated on March 31, 2020


  • ChrisRich
    ChrisRich about 4 years

    In JavaScript what is the difference between these two examples:


    function SomeBaseClass(){
    SomeBaseClass.prototype = {
        doThis : function(){
        doThat : function(){

    Inheritance example A using Object.create:

    function MyClass(){
    MyClass.prototype = Object.create(SomeBaseClass.prototype);

    Inheritance example B using the new keyword

    function MyClass(){
    MyClass.prototype = new SomeBaseClass();

    Both examples seem to do the same thing. When would you chose one over the other?

    An additional question: Consider code in below link (line 15), where a reference to the the function's own constructor is stored in the prototype. Why is this useful?

    Excerpt (if you don't want to open the link):

    THREE.ImageLoader.prototype = {
        constructor: THREE.ImageLoader
  • Bergi
    Bergi over 11 years
    Object.create can't really replace the classical approach with new when a constructor function is needed
  • ChrisRich
    ChrisRich over 11 years
    Hi Sheikh. Thanks for your efforts on this. Yes, the differences is that the constructor is ran in the second example but not in the first. (which is desirable in my case). Regarding the undefined public property that is not inherited from the super implementation, you just need to call super in the child's constructor: Check this fiddle:
  • ChrisRich
    ChrisRich over 11 years
    I've been looking for a super simple way of proper inheritance in JS without using any libraries / frameworks. I think this example (in my fiddle above) is the best approach for modern browsers. Perhaps the Object.Create polyfill could add support for legacy browsers?
  • spex
    spex over 10 years
    This is the best answer, well explained
  • davidjnelson
    davidjnelson almost 10 years
    so basically to summarize, if you do .prototype = new then you are inheriting any values you assigned to this in the base class, and when you do object.create you are ONLY inheriting what is on the prototype in the base class, right?
  • Admin
    Admin over 9 years
    Doest this "MyClass.prototype = new SomeBaseClass()" mean that new instance of SomeBaseClass is created when instance of MyClass is not created yet?
  • The Alpha
    The Alpha over 9 years
    No, only when you create the main object the prototype is set to that SomeBaseClass.
  • LocalPCGuy
    LocalPCGuy about 9 years
    It most definitely can @Bergi. Look at this blog post: You can also pass an initialization object as a second parameter to Object.create().
  • Bergi
    Bergi about 9 years
    @LocalPCGuy: No it cannot, because Object.create does not call a function that would be necessary to create closures. Of course, with Object.create you can put an init method on your objects and call that immediately and it maybe even returns this so that you get concise syntax - but wait, that is a constructor then.
  • LocalPCGuy
    LocalPCGuy about 9 years
    Calling an init function works similarly to a constructor, but it is not a constructor. And that method does allow you exactly replace the classical approach with Object.create. And the mental model of the object linkage is much simpler than the one created via 'new'.
  • Bergi
    Bergi about 9 years
    Well, my mental model of new uses "object linkage", so there's not much difference. In fact, there are only two things: .constructor is called .init, and that function doesn't have a .prototype property pointing back to your prototype object. The rest is just syntax - and I prefer new X over Object.create(x).init().
  • Soner from The Ottoman Empire
    Soner from The Ottoman Empire almost 4 years
    there are a profusion of topics concerning that yet no explanation like yours. +1