Jenkins Pipeline: Enable timestamps in build log console


Solution 1

For scripted pipeline just wrap your script in timestamps { } Eg.

timestamps {
  // do your job

Note: You must have the timestamper plugin installed:

Solution 2

Adding options to the declarative pipeline

pipeline {
  agent any
  options { timestamps () }
  // stages and rest of pipeline.

Credit goes to the comment above Jenkins Pipeline: Enable timestamps in build log console

Solution 3

I'm wondering why @roomsg comment on the accepted answer didn't become an answer.

I just noticed that (at least in our setup) you can configure this globally: check the "Enabled for all Pipeline builds" in the "Timestamper" section in Jenkins configuration

I think this is the best answering for Q. So,in case you have access as admin you can set it for all pipeline jobs through GUI

Author by


I am software developer with focus on web technologies and internet computing. My skills are in Java and the Web stack including HTML5, CSS and Javascript. I also love to program in C in my free time, where I spend time developing applications for Linux using the GTK+ libraries from the Gnome project. Currently I am the maintainer and developer of the tilda terminal. I have a big interest for everything that is open source, especially when it runs on Linux.

Updated on December 01, 2020


  • lanoxx
    lanoxx over 3 years

    How can I display build timestamps for each line of a multi-branch pipeline project? Is it a supported feature? If yes, does it need to be enabled in the Jenkinsfile or is there a GUI option?