jQuery - Check if the tag's content is equal to sometext then do something


Solution 1

$('cite.fn:contains(blabla)').css('color', 'red');

Edit: though that will match "blablablabla" as well.

$('cite.fn').each(function () {
    if ($(this).text() == 'blabla') {
        $(this).css('color', 'red');

That should be more accurate.

Edit: Actually, I think bazmegakapa's solution is more elegant:

$('cite.fn').filter(function () {
    return $(this).text() == 'blabla';
}).css('color', 'red');;

Solution 2

You can make use of the amazing .filter() method. It can take a function as its parameter, which will reduce the jQuery collection's elements to those that pass its test (for which the function returns true). After that you can easily run commands on the remaining elements:

var searchText = 'blabla';

$('cite.fn').filter(function () {
    return $(this).text() === searchText;
}).css('color', 'red');

jsFiddle Demo

Solution 3

You could potentially do something like:

$('cite.fn').each(function() {
  var el = $(this);
  if (el.text() === 'sometext') {
     el.css({ 'color' : 'red' });

This fires a function against each cite that has the class fn. That function checks if the current cite's value is equal to 'sometext'.

If it is, then we change the CSS color (text-color) property to red.

Note I'm using jQuery in this example, as you've specifically tagged your question jQuery. Ignore the downvote, this was applied before I edited a typo that I'd made (el.val() rather than el.text())

Solution 4

Without jQuery:

var elms = document.querySelectorAll("cite.fn"), l = elms.length, i;
for( i=0; i<l; i++) {
    if( (elms[i].innerText || elms[i].textContent) == "blabla") {
        elms[i].style.color = "red";
Author by


I like this quote the most and I'd love to live up to it : "If you don't build your own dream, Someone else will hire you to build their"

Updated on November 21, 2020


  • xperator
    xperator over 3 years

    Let's say I have many of these in my content div : <cite class="fn">blabla</cite>

    How can I check every cite tag's content (in this case: blabla) with class fn to see if it equals to "sometext" then change it's color to red ?

    Very simple.

  • Matt
    Matt over 12 years
    @kolink so you change it to .html() or .text() instead and it will work. Btw it's not jQuery that makes people stupid, it's the entire Internet.
  • kapa
    kapa over 12 years
    @Kolink You're right with the first part. For the second part... you can still edit your comment. jQuery makes noone stupid.
  • Niet the Dark Absol
    Niet the Dark Absol over 12 years
    Also matches <cite class="fn">textblabla</cite>, which may cause problems if the search term could easily be a substring.
  • Rory McCrossan
    Rory McCrossan over 12 years
    @Kolink does using native javascript make you arrogant then?
  • Niet the Dark Absol
    Niet the Dark Absol over 12 years
    Every site I have seen that was made using jQuery could be made to work a hundred times faster and more efficiently without it [shrugs] Anyway, I'm pretty sure someone downvoted my answer just because of my comment, which is real mature [/sarcasm] My answer works, and has no dependencies.
  • isNaN1247
    isNaN1247 over 12 years
    @Kolink its good to see that a single typo renders someone stupid. But I do apologise all the same... WOW! Note that not everyone who gives an example in jQuery ONLY writes using jQuery
  • isNaN1247
    isNaN1247 over 12 years
    Note that querySelectorAll will not natively work in IE7 and below. Not having to worry about this too much would be a benefit of using a JavaScript framework such as jQuery.
  • kapa
    kapa over 12 years
    @Kolink After your first comment you sound quite funny when you talk about being mature :). jQuery is a wonderful tool when you use it right. If you are a bad programmer, you can write bad programs with vanilla JS as well. The problem is not with jQuery. (BTW, I see no downvotes on your answer)
  • Peter Krauss
    Peter Krauss over 11 years
    About jQuery performance, better pre-selector is better? Example: $("cite.fn:contains('"+searchText+"')").filter(function(){re‌​turn $(this).text().length==searchText.length});
  • kapa
    kapa over 11 years
    @PeterKrauss I would not say it is better. :contains() is not a standard selector, so jQuery has to use its own engine, not the faster native one (which it normally uses). So what you win on the one side, you lose on the other. You could do a jsPerf benchmark and post the result here.
  • Peter Krauss
    Peter Krauss over 11 years
    Good, the test is there (you can check the link and correct the test if wrong). The pre-selector strategy is not good, your original code is faster.
  • kapa
    kapa over 11 years
    @PeterKrauss Nice test. Basically this is why you should not use not-standard jQuery selectors most of the time. If the native querySelectorAll() supports the selector, it is much quicker.