jQuery: How to select "from here until the next H2"?


Solution 1

Interesting problem. First let me say that I think the best strategy is to enclose the whole answer in a div and then the problem becomes trivial to solve:

<h2>Question here</h2>
<p>Answer here</p>
</h2>Next Question</h2>


$(function() {
  $("h2").click(function() {

But that being said, it is solvable without that.

$(function() {
  $("h2").click(function() {
    $(this).nextAll().each(function() {
      if (this.tagName == 'H2') {
        return false; // stop execution

Not supremely elegant but it'll work.

Note: This assumes the questions are siblings. If they are not it gets much more complicated.

Solution 2

I realise that this is an old question, but jQuery 1.4 now has nextUntil. So something like this should now work:


Solution 3

wouldn't it make more sense to use a css styled DL list?

<dl class="faq">

And then easy selection using:

$('+ dd', this); 

this being the current dt selection.

Or just wrap each answer in a div, since it makes sense semantically too. However I think a DL list makes a lot more sense semantically.

Solution 4

Sure! Just make a while loop.

$('h2').click(function() {
    var next = $(this).next();
    while (next.length != 0 && next[0].nodeName == 'P')
        next = next.next();

This assumes that you only have p tags after your h2. You can add more exceptions to the while loop if you want to add something like img.

Or if you don't care what's between the H2 tags you can check for not equal to H2.

$('h2').click(function() {
    var next = $(this).next();
    while (next.length != 0 && next[0].nodeName != 'H2')
        next = next.next();

This will hide everything after the H2 that is clicked on until either the next H2 is found or you go up a level in the dom.

Solution 5

Maybe this isn't really answering your question, but you could wrap every FAQ item (i.e. every question/answer pair) in a DIV element. This would make sense semantically, and the non-programmer maintaining the page would simply have to copy a full DIV (no need for classes).


<div id="faq">
 <!-- start FAQ item -->
  <h2>Question goes here</h2>
  <p>Answer goes here.</p>
  <p>And here.</p>
   <li>Really, use any HTML element you want here.</li>
   <li>It will work.</li>
 <!-- end FAQ item -->
 <!-- start FAQ item -->
  <h2>Second question goes here</h2>
  <p>Answer to question two.</p>
 <!-- end FAQ item -->

JavaScript (jQuery):

$('#faq div h2').click(function() {
Author by


Updated on June 24, 2022


  • KpAbhijith
    KpAbhijith about 2 years

    I'm setting up a very straightforward FAQ page with jQuery. Like so:

    <h2>What happens when you click on this question?</h2>
    <p>This answer will appear!</p>

    This is all inside a very specific div, so I'll be selecting the header with $('#faq h2'). Simple, right? Click on the H2, and use this.next() to make the next paragraph show up.

    (The caveat with this page is that a non-programmer will be maintaining it, which is why I'm not using classes: there's no guarantee that any new entries would have the right classes in them.)

    So! The problem:

    <h2>What happens when you click on the next question?</h2>
    <p>That is an interesting conundrum.</p>
    <p>Because the maintainer is kind of long-winded</p>
    <p>and many answers will span a few paragraphs.</p>

    So how, without adding in divs and classes and whatnot, can I have my this.next() routine select everything between the question-that-was-clicked-on and the next question (H2 header)?

  • KpAbhijith
    KpAbhijith about 15 years
    The problem is that the maintainer will be using a WYSIWYG editor (FCKEditor), so I can't depend on him to do ANYTHING with the code except to make the questions H2s, and the editor will make the answers into p's.
  • Mathias Bynens
    Mathias Bynens about 15 years
    FCKEditor is an online WYSIWYG editor, so I'm assuming you're building a content management system of some sorts. Why not just hardcode the DIV and H2 elements? The maintainer would then only have to enter a title (which will be wrapped in an H2) and an answer (which will be wrapped in paragraphs, or whatever.) I can't really imagine a situation where you'd want the entire HTML page to be editable through FCKEditor...
  • Mathias Bynens
    Mathias Bynens about 15 years
    I disagree with you on the DIV part. Isn't it more elegant to wrap every question/answer pair inside a DIV, rather than only the answers? That being said, this is the true answer to Eileen's question!
  • Lordn__n
    Lordn__n about 15 years
    Wrapping the whole question/answer in a div is a reasonable variation but (imho) when you're showing/hiding or highlighting the answer, that's what you should be wrapping. Toggling a div is more efficient than toggling all elements in it bar the question.
  • KpAbhijith
    KpAbhijith about 15 years
    Well, this is one of those situations -- a long story, but basically there is an existing verrrrrry long page that no one wants to re-input as individual entries.
  • Mathias Bynens
    Mathias Bynens about 15 years
    In my humble opinion, you shouldn't consider behavior when writing your HTML. That's the whole point of unobtrusive JavaScript: just write the HTML you want, then write the JavaScript that does with it what you want. That's why I think it's semantically more desirable to wrap every question/answer pair.
  • Lordn__n
    Lordn__n about 15 years
    It's a fair point but also arbitrary and subjective. To me, an answer is a semantically significant concept in its own right rather than having the concepts of "Question/Answer", "Question" and "Question/Answer minus Question".
  • cgp
    cgp about 15 years
    +1 This is where I was headed, but as usual, a little nicer and a lot faster.
  • KpAbhijith
    KpAbhijith about 15 years
    PERFECTO! This works exactly as I had hoped; thanks so much!
  • Lordn__n
    Lordn__n about 15 years
    @mathias: just FYI, I recently wrote something that bears some similarity to this. In my case I used TinyMCE but it wasn't a CMS I was doing.
  • Erik van Brakel
    Erik van Brakel about 15 years
    I totally agree. This is, in my opinion, one of the best uses of a definition list. The question is the term, the answer is the definition. +1! (I'd give +2 if I could :P)
  • Samantha Branham
    Samantha Branham about 15 years
    If you read another comment, his content people are using a WYSIWYG.
  • Samantha Branham
    Samantha Branham about 15 years
    Brilliant use of the tag, but I doubt the editor his content people are using will do this. +1 regardless, even though it doesn't really help the OP
  • KpAbhijith
    KpAbhijith about 15 years
    I did simplify the process for them! Now they just use H2s and Ps like on every other page in the whole site. And VOILA! You're right that we can't ever solve the 'user' bug, but I don't think the right solution is to teach them some made up code that only works on this one site.
  • KpAbhijith
    KpAbhijith about 15 years
    Ooh, that is a good idea and if I was doing it from scratch (instead of trying to work around legacy code) that is a great solution. FWIW the FCKEditor is pretty easy to customize and adding in buttons with custom code (like DLs, or even custom-classed spans/divs/etc) is quite easy.
  • Mesh
    Mesh about 15 years
    I dont understand why using a WYSIWYG , FCKeditor in this case - ensures your users will only use H2 and P tags.......
  • cgp
    cgp about 15 years
    My answer now includes a jQuery function which gets "next" elements until finding a match, and then can be used to chain. Not sure if the implementation of the jQuery function is as clean as it could be....
  • KyleFarris
    KyleFarris about 15 years
    Your method is approximately 32.1% slower than Cletus' method. Given the HTML you provided, I ran both Cletus' and your solutions and Cletus' solution took about 2.28ms per run over 10 attempts while yours took 3.36ms per run over 10 attempts. Granted... we are talking about 1ms difference here... but, if in some odd case there were millions of elements that needed to parsed through, it seems that Cletus' solution would finish quicker (then again, yours might be more of a long-distance runner where his is more of a sprinter). Valiant effort though.
  • cgp
    cgp about 15 years
    Interesting. I probably need to use the internal jQuery function to filter instead of coming around with the n.filter....
  • Admin
    Admin about 15 years
    This is interesting. What's the variable 'rec' for?
  • Pim Jager
    Pim Jager about 15 years
    oops, forget to remove that, it does nothing.
  • gradbot
    gradbot about 14 years
    You may wish to update your answer as jQuery now supports this directly with nextUntil as of 1.4. stackoverflow.com/questions/863356/…
  • Timothy Aaron
    Timothy Aaron over 12 years
    Even better if you change .show() to .toggle(), that way you get both hide and show functionality. :)
  • nnnnnn
    nnnnnn over 10 years
    Couldn't you use $(this).nextUntil("h2") rather than the .each() loop?