jQuery event bubbling: Get original element mouseover (for table row highlighting)


It's called event delegation.

You're using jQuery which makes it trivial to find the triggering <tr> element of the event, via closest:

$('#myTable').mouseover(function(event) {
    var tr = $(event.target).closest('tr');
    // do something with the <tr> element...

closest was in fact written to support event delegation like this. It's what live() uses internally.

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Updated on June 13, 2022


  • Alex
    Alex about 2 years

    I'm trying to reduce my 'onmouseover' event listeners in my table (in which I highlight rows on hover). I want to do this by attaching an event listener to the entire table instead of each <tr> (that's how I have it now). The reason is that IE is reacting very slow and the only answer I found to this was to reduce the number of event listeners.

    Sample code:

    <table id="myTable">
         <td>Somedata 2</td>
         <td>Somedata 3</td>

    In this scenario, if I hover over the second <tr>, I understand that the "onmouseover" event bubbles from tr to the table.

    How could I find out in my jQuery $('#myTable').mouseover event which tr was hovered and change its css class?

    Edit: The idea for this comes from this SO question (but unfortunately no source code in the answer): Speeding Up Multiple OnMouseOver Events in IE

  • Alex
    Alex almost 15 years
    What is the "e" parameter used for? Is it necessary & what does it represent?
  • Crescent Fresh
    Crescent Fresh almost 15 years
    @Alex: the e parameter is the event object generated by the mouseover. Every user action generates one of these events. See quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html
  • Crescent Fresh
    Crescent Fresh almost 15 years
    @Alex: ps I've edited the answer to use a better var name than "e" ;)
  • ssss
    ssss about 13 years
    Can’t you just use $(this) instead of $(event.target)?
  • Jason Suárez
    Jason Suárez over 12 years
    @Timwi $(this) in this case is equivalent to $('#myTable'); event.target is the lowest element on the chain, so finding the closest <tr> will match the element you want.
  • Pierre
    Pierre about 10 years
    or you could just $('#myTable tr').mouseover(function(e){ $(e.target); });
  • Gone Coding
    Gone Coding over 7 years
    @Pierre: The preference is usually to have a few delegated or bubbling event handlers, rather than loads of individual handlers wired up directly to elements, so that is not a better option than the one shown.
  • Pierre
    Pierre over 7 years
    @GoneCoding I agree! This was posted a while back before I knew what I know now. Never too old to learn ey!