jQuery - How to fade in/out from one color to another? (possible 3rd party plugin fo jQuery?)


Solution 1

jQuery UI extends jQuery's animate method to include colour animation. You can then do something like:

$("#someId").animate({backgroundColor: "#ff0000" });

Here's a working example.

Solution 2

You don't need another plugin. Example:


$(selector).css("color", "blue");


selector {
  transition: color .3s;

This will work just fine (and without slowing down the website).

Solution 3

The jQuery UI animate function will do it.

See here for jsFiddle.

Author by


Updated on February 10, 2020


  • Admin
    Admin over 4 years

    I'm looking for a jQuery script or a 3rd party plugin for jQuery, which can create a fade in/out effect based on "from color" and "to color". Example how I see it:

    $( selector ).fadeColor({
        from: "#900", // maroon-red color
        to: "#f00",   // blood-red color
    }, 3000); // last argument is the time interval, in milliseconds in this particular case it's based for 3 seconds
  • James Allardice
    James Allardice over 12 years
    jQuery's animate won't animate colours unless you include jQuery UI too, which extends it. See my answer.
  • James Allardice
    James Allardice over 12 years
    Have you included jQuery UI? Make sure you include it after the core jQuery library. Update your question with some code, or make a jsfiddle demonstrating the problem.
  • Anderson Green
    Anderson Green about 11 years
    @JamesAllardice The animation happens so fast that it's difficult to even notice it. Is it possible to slow down the fading animation so that it can be seen more clearly?
  • Anderson Green
    Anderson Green about 11 years
    is it possible to set the speed of the fading animation using JQuery UI?
  • James Allardice
    James Allardice about 11 years
    @AndersonGreen - The 2nd argument to .animate() is the duration of the effect, in milliseconds.
  • Rich O'Kelly
    Rich O'Kelly about 11 years
    @AndersonGreen Yes, you can specify a duration, see api.jquery.com/animate for more information
  • Dom Vinyard
    Dom Vinyard about 10 years
    It should be said that this requires jQuery UI.
  • KryptoniteDove
    KryptoniteDove almost 8 years
    Save yourself an hour and use this!
  • Mirko
    Mirko over 6 years
    Even shorter: $(selector).css("transition", "color .3s").css("color", "blue");
  • BeNice
    BeNice about 4 years
    This works nicely highlighting fields using background color. However - currently a bit garish! So.... QUESTION>>> Is there a way to get it to transition to a color and then transition back? I am highlighting a field that automatically updates when you change another field so I would like it to either slowly become yellow and fade back to white OR if the white field would become yellow with the update and then fade back to white IYSWIM! Either would be fine. Currently the yellow alrets u to tjhe change but just sits there blinding you!